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Guillermo Hernandez

Top ten yo mama jokes

5 1
Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mama so when god said let there be light he told her to move out of the way

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Top ten yo mama jokes

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mamas so poor she climed in the dumpster with a shopping list

1 1
Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mama so fat when she jumped she got stuck

1 1
Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mama so stupid she went to the dentist to get a blue tooth

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mama so poor ducks throw bread at her

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mama so stupid she got hit by parked car

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

your mama so ugly when she went into a haunted house she came out with a job application

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

yo mama so short she hang glides on a dorito

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

Yo mama so ugly she makes blind kids cry

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Suggested by Guillermo Hernandez

Yo mama so fat when she stepped on a weight it said i want your weight no your number

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