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Top 5 Tongue and Sense of Taste Facts

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Suggested by MikeyP

The average tongue is about 3 inches long.

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Top 5 Tongue and Sense of Taste Facts

Play Trivia Top 5 Tongue and Sense of Taste Facts
Suggested by MikeyP

Your tongue has between 2000 and 4000 taste buds.

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Suggested by MikeyP

You cant see your taste buds.

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Suggested by MikeyP

You have taste buds other places besides your tongue. There are also taste cells in the back of your throat. young children have even more cells that sense taste in the mucous membranes of their lips

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Suggested by MikeyP

Your tongue can say a lot about your health.A bright red tongue may be a sign of folic acid or B12 deficiency, etc

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Suggested by MikeyP

You dont sense different tastes in different areas of the tongue.

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Suggested by MikeyP

The tongue is not the strongest muscle in your body. It's not just one muscle.

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Suggested by MikeyP

Taste buds are designed to keep us alive. The back of our tongue is sensitive to bitter tastes so we can spit out poisonous or spoiled foods before we swallow them. Sweet and salty tastes let us know

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Suggested by MikeyP

Your tongue can get fat. If you get fat, so does your tongue

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Suggested by MikeyP

Your tongue print is as unique as a fingerprint.

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