Most people dream approximately 1-2 hours per night and have 4-7 dreams per night
Top 5 Fun Facts About Dreams and Dreaming
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Sleep Stranger
Research shows brain waves are actually more active while dreaming than when you are awake
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Sleep Stranger
Dreams are more than visual images and blind people dream as well. Whether or not they dream in pictures depends on if they were born blind or lost their vision later
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Sleep Stranger
Some people (approximately 12%) dream only in black and white while others dream in colour
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Sleep Stranger
When you sleep your body produces a hormone that may prevent you from acting out your dreams but also leaves you virtually paralyzed
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Sleep Stranger
It's alleged that Japanese researchers have successfully created a technology that can display thoughts visually on a screen and may soon be able to view individual's dreams
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Sleep Stranger
Everyone dreams. Just because you don't remember your dreams doesn't mean you don't dream
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Sleep Stranger
Caffeine creates alertness by blocking adenosine, a naturally occurring body chemical. Scientists discovered that boosting adenosine can actually help promote natural sleep patterns and combat insomni
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Sleep Stranger
If you are awakened during a dream you are much more likely to remember that dream than if you slept a full night's sleep
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Sleep Stranger
Dreams almost never represent what they actually show. The unconscious mind tries to make connections with concepts you can understand therefore dreams are largely symbolic representations