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Facundo Patané

Top 10 War formations in ancient and medieval history

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Roman Legions (testudo, Calvary, velites, Princeps, Triiari, non-roman citicenz (auxilia legion), etc

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Top 10 War formations in ancient and medieval history

Play Trivia Top 10 War formations in ancient and medieval history
Suggested by Facundo Patané

Alexander The Great army (Falange with sarisas, calvary, archers, infrantry, brillant strategies)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Persian Army Immortals (mass infrantry) Elephants, War chariots, etc

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Spartan Army (Falange, Sword, Shield Wall, Living For war)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Vikings (Conquerors, killers, no mercy, kings of sea for some time)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Mongol Army (New bow technique, mounted archers)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Korean naval Army (Yi Sun Sin, turtle ships, big wins in battles in 8 years, japan can't expand to korea, savior of korea)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Japanese Samurai (Elite warriors, Ronin, mercenaries)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Saladin Army (Yihad, conquest of Jerusalem, etc)

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Suggested by Facundo Patané

Templars (most skilled warriors in the crusades)

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