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Leonardo Klotz
Leonardo Klotz

Top 10 Things IRON MAN did better

1 4
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

A fresh and original character development

3 2

Top 10 Things IRON MAN did better

Play Trivia Top 10 Things IRON MAN did better
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

It was grounded in reality

2 1
Leonardo Klotz
Leonardo Klotz 4 years ago Report
Reminiscent of Batman Begins
0 0
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

It took risks

1 1
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

A different vibe

1 1
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

Terrance Howard was better as Rhodes

1 1
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

It didn't follow Disney's rules

1 2
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

Practical effects

1 2
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

It had a more consistent tone

1 2
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

The less is more approach

0 2

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