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Top 10 Simon Cowell insults

17 3
Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'Do you have a singing teacher? Get a lawyer and sue her.'

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Top 10 Simon Cowell insults

Play Trivia Top 10 Simon Cowell insults
Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'Last year I described someone as being the worst singer in America. I think you're possibly the worst singer in the world.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'It was a bit like ordering a hamburger, and only getting the bun.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'If you had lived 2,000 years ago and sung like that, I think they would have stoned you.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'It was absolutely terrible in most parts. I mean, it was like being at a funeral for the first half.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'It was like looking into a cave. I've never seen anything so huge in my life.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'If the criteria was to vote people through for singing every note out of tune, you would win tonight.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'I don't know what cats being squashed sound like in Lithuania, but I now have a pretty good idea.'

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Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

'You actually sing like a train going off the rails. You sort of start off in tune and then it goes completely off. And very, very fast.'

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