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Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is Hated.

18 4
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He's overall just a sexist, racist bully who uses his money in order to push people around.

11 2

Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is Hated.

Play Trivia Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is Hated.
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He believes immigrants stealing jobs is actually a thing.

9 0
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He plays on the support of alt-righters, and white supremacists

8 0
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He believes that sexual assault is to be expected when men and women are put together.

7 0
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He's disgusted by breast feeding.

8 1
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

When asked hard hitting and relevant questions by a female he avoided them and went on to blame it on her period.

6 0
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He accused all immigrants of being rapists.

7 1
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

His ex wife admitted that he forced her into sexual situations

6 1
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He wants Mexico to pay for a Wall to keep themselves out of America.

6 1
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He gave out a senators private number out of spite.

4 0

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