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Top 10 One Time Simpsons Characters of the 1990s

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Suggested by governmentfree

Seth and Munchie - D'oh-in' in the Wind

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Top 10 One Time Simpsons Characters of the 1990s

Play Trivia Top 10 One Time Simpsons Characters of the 1990s
Suggested by governmentfree

The Real Seymour Skinner - The Principal and the Pauper

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Suggested by governmentfree

The Commandant - The Secret War of Lisa Simpson

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Suggested by governmentfree

Mrs. Burns - Homer the Smithers

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Suggested by governmentfree

Jessica Lovejoy - Bart's Girlfriend

2 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Molloy the Cat Burglar - Homer the Vigilante

2 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Dr. Wolfe - Last Exit to Springfield

2 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Leon Kompowsky - Stark Raving Dad

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Suggested by governmentfree

Mr. Bergstrom - Lisa's Substitute

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Suggested by governmentfree

Ms. Botz / Lucille Botzcowski - Some Enchanted Meeting

2 0

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