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Elliott Smith

Top 10 Most Heartfelt Moments in Sitcoms

6 1
Suggested by Elliott Smith

The last episode of Friends

1 0

Top 10 Most Heartfelt Moments in Sitcoms

Play Trivia Top 10 Most Heartfelt Moments in Sitcoms
Suggested by Elliott Smith

Marshall's dad's death / ''The Final Ted Speech'' HIMYM

1 0
Suggested by Elliott Smith

Will Smith and Uncle Phil - Wills Dad - Fresh Prince

1 0
Suggested by Elliott Smith

Goodbye Grandad - Only Fools and Horses

1 0
Suggested by Elliott Smith

''Do It For Her'' - The Simpsons

1 0
Suggested by Elliott Smith

''Where do you think we are'' - Scrubs

1 0
Suggested by Elliott Smith

The Final ''Thats what she said'' - The Office

1 1
Elisabeth Nunez
Suggested by Elisabeth Nunez

Cam and Mitchelle Get Married-Modern Family

0 0
Suggested by Elliott Smith

Mitchell and Webb - Old Holmes

0 1
Suggested by Elliott Smith

''Do Good'' - Mr Feeney's Farewell - Boy Meets World

0 1

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