LT. Surge (Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow/Fire Red and Leaf Green)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
Hope you guys remember that Vermillion City Gym puzzle, mainly because that was the entire downside of trying to get the Thunder Badge. At least Diglett's Cave made this battle pretty easy.
Top 10 Most Annoying Gym Leaders in Pokémon Games
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ibriers 1
Lenora (Pokémon Black and White/ Black 2 and White 2)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
From Nacrene City, Lenora specializes in Normal type Pokmon where she puts them to sleep to gain the upper hand. Make sure to pack some Awakenings!
Suggested by
ibriers 1
Whitney (Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal/Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
Two words: Miltank's Rollout. No need to elaborate on this bratty cutie's set up on trainers at the Goldenrod Gym.
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ibriers 1
Elesa (Pokémon Black and White/ Black 2 and White 2)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
Elesa from the Unova region's Nimbasa Gym is both a supermodel cutie and an electrifying gym leader. With endless electric type combos, this leaves most trainers in a bind if they aren't prepared for her charisma
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ibriers 1
Fantina (Pokémon Diamond, Peal and Platinum)
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ibriers 1
Wattson (Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
Coming from the Mauville Gym in Hoenn, the jolly old Wattson had one of the most annoying dynamo puzzles throughout Pokmon history. This old man is still trying to get his old tricks into modern day humor%u2026
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ibriers 1
Koga (Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow/ Fire Red and Leaf Green)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
As the poison ninja from Fuchsia City and Elite Four Member, Koga utilizes his specialty in Poison types to gut trainers from the inside out! Those antidotes will come in handy, especially after trying to deal with Koffing and Weezing who know Self-Destruct.
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Maylene-Pokemon Diamond,Pearl,Platinum
Suggested by
ibriers 1
Sabrina (Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow/Fire Red and Leaf Green)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
Those portals drove everyone crazy at the Saffron City Gym. No matter how sexy this dame looks, we will never forgive her for performing trial and error.
Suggested by
ibriers 1
Candice (Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum)
ibriers 1
10 years ago Report
This icy cutie from Snowpoint City is no pushover with her Ice type team. Candice's Abomasnow, Snover, and Sneasel are just few of the powerhouses that have both high HP and defence.