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Cameron Halas

Top 10 Countries Unlikely to Survive In the Near Future

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Suggested by Cameron Halas

North Korea

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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
A loose-loose situation
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Top 10 Countries Unlikely to Survive In the Near Future

Play Trivia Top 10 Countries Unlikely to Survive In the Near Future
Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
The King of Lesotho is insane and rules poorly. Things have gotten so bad that the citizens of Lesotho are begging South Africa to invade. If you're asking a foriegn country to invade your own, you know things are screwed up
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
Yet another product of artificial colonial boarders, the devestating civil war has created extreme disorder. Neither Hafez al-Assad, the Free Syrian Army or ISIS is likely to survive. So a power vacuum is likely and who knows what will fill it up
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
The fall of Muammar Gaddafi has left another artificial state drawn by colonialists fragmented. With the inhabitants of Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica loyal to tribal roots instead of Libya, the second civil war may be the final nail in the cofin for Libya.
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Suggested by Cameron Halas

United Kingdom

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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
While failing to gain independence from the 2014 referendum, the Scottish Independence Movement is growing. Similar Independence movements are happening in Whales and Northern Ireland. Secession from any of them means the end of The United Kingdom
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
With boarders drawn by the British in 1918 and having no regard for the cultural divide, Iraq is an artificial state that has no sense of unity. The 2003 US invasion and the rise of ISIS have destabilized Iraq so much that the country can easily fall apart
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
A country right at sea level may get swallowed up by the Indian Ocean due to rising sea levels
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
One word sums up China's problems: environment. Half of China's waters are polluted beyond safe human consumption, and whatever drinkable water is left will be gone by 2030. Things are likely to get so bad that despite the regime's harsh crackdown, social unrest may ensue
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
In addition to economic crisis and unemployment, two ethnic groups in Spain, the Basque and Catalans, are seeking independence
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Suggested by Cameron Halas


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Cameron Halas 7 years ago Report
Two halfs of Belgium are nothing alike. Flanders speaks Flemish while Wallonia speaks French. A split is very likely with an independent Flanders and a Wallonia that either gains independence or unites with France
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