The Griffins have proven themselves to be pathetic and hideous excuses for human beings and viewers have found it harder to excuse their behavior towards Meg, who once said that if people outside saw how she was treated, it would be unforgivable.
Top 10 Cartoon Characters Who Are Unfairly and Harshly Hated
Lisa can be overbearing at times, but let's not forget the Springfield townspeople are not the nicest people ever. They can be overbearing at best and downright cruel at worst; which makes Lisa's frustration at them understandable.
Suggested by
Alexander Shonjani
Dr. Zoidberg
Suggested by
Johnny Fountains
Jade - Jackie Chan Adventures
7 years ago Report
Jade may be troublesome but she has help Jackie from time to time like that time where she save the world from the shendu's siblings when she took a piece of the book that change the world where the chi wizards didn't defeat the demons