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Jason Lundgren

Bret vs. Owen Hart

4 1
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

bret had 3 strokes and 3 hart attacks

1 0

Bret vs. Owen Hart

Play Trivia Bret vs. Owen Hart
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

owen had better academix scores than bret

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

owen was better in tag teams than bret

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

owen had prettier hair when it was long

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

owen had blue eyes

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

owen didnt get injured in the hart once like bret did

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Bret Hart might have slept with Sunny once

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

The mom loved bret better

1 1
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

the dad also liked bret better

1 1
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

bret is a papa's ass

1 1

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