Here’s Danny!

Almost 40 years have passed since Stephen King’s most notoriously terrifying novel, “The Shining”, hit the big screen and although it was met with some disapproval, the film is a classic and the source material is still one of the most cherished masterpieces of horror to-date. Today’s a big day for fear fanatics, because the first teaser trailer for “Doctor Sleep”, the highly anticipated sequel, is finally here! This time we’re following an adult Danny Torrence (Ewan McGregor) in the aftermath of his haunted childhood, and who better to tackle the themes of trauma, recovery and terror than “The Haunting of Hill House” director Mike Flanagan. Check it out, below!
“Doctor Sleep” will depart slightly from the events of Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”, given Stephen King’s public criticism of the film, and will instead stand as a more direct sequel to King’s 1977 novel. In terms of the plot, this primary teaser sees Danny searching for answers about his unique premonitions and abilities, called “the shining”. Although years have gone by since the harrowing events that took place at the Overlook Hotel in Colorado, Danny is clearly still dealing with the aftermath and finds himself connected to a young girl with similar powers.
With “The Shining” references galore and source material as strong as it gets, we can only imagine the terror that awaits us. “Doctor Sleep” hits theatres this November, so to prepare yourself, check out what Twitter is saying about today’s teaser!
Cool thing about #DoctorSleep: those shots from The Shining aren’t actually shots from The Shining – aside from the elevator bloodbath. @WilliamBibbiani spoke with Mike Flanagan, who revealed that they actually recreated those sets and iconic moments!
â John Squires (@FreddyInSpace) June 13, 2019
yessssss DOCTOR SLEEP yesssssss.
â lindsey romain (@lindseyromain) June 13, 2019
Mike Flanagan said he suffered a sleepless night waiting for Stephen King to approve the Doctor Sleep script (King famously *hates* Kubrickâs take on The Shining) and got ulcers before showing him a print of the film. But King is fully on board.
â Nick de Semlyen (@NickdeSemlyen) June 13, 2019
i did the set visit for DOCTOR SLEEP and i’m not exaggerating when i say it was the absolute best day of my professional life. flanagan is a genius and his brand of horror is 100% my shit. i’m deeply stoked for this.
â lindsey romain (@lindseyromain) June 13, 2019
To familiarize yourself with the events that inspired this recreation, check out our pick of the Top 10 Differences Between The Shining Book and Movie!