watchmojo top 10 Marvel tv Top 5 Daredevil comic book

Top 5 Most Violent Super Villains

He Never Misses

With the trailer for Daredevil Season 3 dropping, it looks like Matt Murdock’s life is once again about to be thrown into turmoil, thanks to the reemergence of Wilson Fisk and the arrival of the infamous assassin Bullseye. The latter’s status as the Man Without Fear’s most notable nemesis has many fans excited, given how the vast body count associated with his name. After all, he’s violent enough to even compete with some of these comic book titans of tyranny.

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#5: Bullseye

A master assassin for hire, Bullseye has one advantage that other killers in his field of work don’t have; he never misses a target. Most frequently being employed by the Kingpin of crime to do his dirty work in the streets of New York, Bullseye is responsible for giving a certain Devil of Hell’s kitchen quite a tough time over the years. Showing no remorse for the lives of others whatsoever, Bullseye tracks down his prey and will stop at nothing to put them six feet under. His most shocking and brutal act of all was when he mercilessly beat Elektra and then killed her with one of her own Sai. What makes his crimes extra evil is that he took pleasure he takes in them.

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#4: Deathstroke

The DC villain who was the inspiration for Marvel’s Deadpool is not going to be someone you want to cross. Slade Wilson possesses advanced combat and marksmanship knowledge as well as superhuman strength and reflexes thanks to an experimental serum. Like a man possessed, his ferocity makes him a match for the likes of both Green Arrow and Batman. He may be blind in one eye, but he has two perfectly good arms and legs to kick the crap out of people.

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#3: Doomsday

His name is DOOMSDAY! Seriously! Explanation over. If you need a little more convincing, this is the guy who killed Superman, something which other villains never came close to achieving. We feel that alone should demonstrate his capacity for violence, blood shed and destruction. Doomsday’s seemingly endless levels of endurance to just keep on fighting is mindboggling, as if his only purpose for existing is to destroy. Come to think of it, not only did he kill Superman but he also obliterated the Justice League International, gave Supergirl a nasty makeover and provided Metropolis with probably the most expensive repair bill in comic book history. Well, on the positive side…at least he lived up to his name…so good job Doomsday.

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#2: The Joker

Where oh where do we begin with how much death and madness the Joker is responsible for? Let’s break it down. The clown prince of crime sadistically tortured Jason Todd, thus permanently twisting his mental state. He also savagely shot Barbara Gordon, resulting in her becoming a paraplegic and splintering the friendly relationship between her father and Batman. That’s not even mentioning the countless police officers, rival gang members and innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire of this macabre madman’s wave of terror. To top it all off, The Joker is sporting that insidious grin 24/7; a disturbing parallel between it and the violence he commits just chills us to the bone.

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#1: Carnage

Spider-Man had his hands full with one crazed symbiote breathing down his neck in the form of Venom, but at least Venom only inflicted violence on others in the pursuit of revenge; Carnage knows no such boundaries. The alien symbiotes enhance the characteristics of their hosts and in the case is psychotic serial killer Cletus Kasady, New York finds itself in a lot of trouble. Carnage enjoys every waking moment that he spends hurting others, which is most evident in the famous story arc “Maximum Carnage” where he assembles a group of other supervillains to wreak havoc upon New York City.

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Daredevil Facts.
