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Top 5 Insane Anime Characters

They’re Insane In The Membrane

As the years go by and countless new anime make their way onto our screens, one factor remains constant within the medium; you can always count on an adorable, psycho girl to make an appearance. For 2018, we got Satou Matsuzaka. While we haven’t seen the full extent of her madness just yet, the protagonist of Happy Sugar Life looks like she’s well on her way to dethroning some of these infamous crazies.

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#5: Hidan
“Naruto: Shippuden” (2007-)

The members of the Akatsuki are some of the most dangerous criminals in the shinobi world, but by far the most downright crazy of them all is this zealot. Aside from having one hell of an affinity for swearing, Hidan is essentially immortal due to his faith to the deity known as Jashin. Through bloody rituals, Hidan can literally lose his head and still keep on fighting. With his signature three-bladed sickle, arsenal of curse-type jutsu, this fanatic quite literally spits in the face of death on a daily basis.

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#4: Claire Stanfield
“Baccano!” (2007)

Nicknamed Vino due to the blood-soaked remains of his victims, Claire is a freelance assassin who happens to have a rather twisted philosophy. He believes himself to be the one constant in the universe, that he can’t be killed despite being just a mortal man, he has no qualms about butchering people yet goes out of his way to protect innocents and insists mercy is a quality that only the strong possess. Considering his performance aboard the Flying Pussyfoot, we’re kind of inclined to believe him.

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#3: Junko Enoshima
“Danganronpa: The Animation” (2013)

Now we’re getting into the real lunatics. Despite being revered as a fashion model and having everything she could ever want, boredom and psychosis led to Junko falling off the deep end and setting up the Mutual Killing Game, trapping herself and fellow students in a school where grizzly executions become commonplace. While also posing as the mascot Monokuma, she gets her kicks by spreading death and despair among her peers.

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#2: Juuzou Suzuya
“Tokyo Ghoul” Series (2014-15)

Unlike many of the other entries on our list, this is a character we just feel sorry for, and whose madness is a result of physical and mental agony. After being brutally tortured by his adoptive ghoul mother, Juuzou’s grasp on right and wrong became incredibly warped. As such, he translates his frustrations into blind ugly violence against any ghoul who comes in his way. Sure he’s a total nutcase, but Juuzou’s budding friendship with his partner, Yukinori Shinohara, leads us to believe there’s hope for this little fella.

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#1: Rena Ryuga
“Higurashi When The Cry” (2006)

In a community where a sacrificial deity, curses and multiple, rewinding timelines run rampant, the scariest thing just might be this adorable would-be serial killer. Rendered unstable by the Hinamizawa syndrome coupled with her strong belief of the curse, Rena is known to have bouts of violent insanity, which more often than not end with someone getting killed. What’s most unsettling is how she can be as sweet as can be in one timeline, only for her to hack someone to pieces with a giant cleaver in the next.

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