video games anime tokyo ghoul hellsing survival horror survival action soul eater black lagoon

Top 5 Anime That Should Get The Survival Action Treatment

Last Anime Character Standing

With the announcement that Tokyo Ghoul:re will be getting its own blood-soaked action game, it does raise the question on why older yet equally successful anime haven’t been handed the same offer. After all, Ken Kaneki isn’t the only one who knows how to bust out demonic weaponry and slay everyone in sight. If we were Bandai Namco, we’d snatch up these five anime for their next project first chance we got!

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#5: “Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack” (2012)

From the mind of horror master Junji Ito, this anime asks quite possibly the most terrifying question ever conjured; what if sharks could walk on land? The premise is as frightening as it is oddly hilarious, as citizens must try to avoid killer fish that have now been made mobile thanks to mechanical appendages. Can you imagine how thrilling it would be to have a Great White with giant metal limbs start to chase you down through a city in-game? Eat your heart out Resident Evil fans.

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#4: “Soul Eater” (2008-09)

It may have been given its own fighting game, but that in no way managed to fully capture the fun of playing as the gun-wielding son of death. Given the show’s rich lore, bursts of slapstick and hilariously charming characters, a survival-action featuring the likes of Maka and the rest of the DWMA student body seems like a no brainer. Give us crazy bosses, plenty of over-the-top combat mechanics as well as Death the Kid being his usual self and we’re sure fans will come running!

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#3: “Highschool of the Dead” (2010)

Sure, they might have to reduce the amount of ludicrous fanservice in order to get it past the censors, but that doesn’t mean this raunchy zombie apocalypse survival story can’t make for an entertaining game. In the same vain as titles such as Lollipop Chainsaw, having a group of oddly able students taking on hordes of crazy adults and swarms of undead would undoubtedly make for an awesome experience. Just as long as you leave your brain at the door.

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#2: “Hellsing Ultimate” (2006-12)

An anime that not only features one of the most violent depictions of vampires ever put onto screen but also the combined threats of Nazi remnants and crazy Catholic soldiers. It’s a vortex of madness that loves ever second of its visceral, Gothic premise while also paying homage to the bloodsuckers of old. Alucard’s rampages are certainly akin to the like of games such as Gungrave, through we hope a Hellsing adaptation would also see fit to keep the horror aspect live and well. Just because you are playing as a gun-wielding Dracula doesn’t mean his foes should be any less intimidating.

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#1: “Black Lagoon” (2006)

Stealing from other criminals, operating out of a haven known to house to one of the deadliest mafias in the world, blasting through all manner of deranged killers just in order to make an appointment. Welcome to Lagoon Company. Revy’s itchy trigger-finger and sailor mouth instantly made her one of the most badass female characters in modern memory, it’s only fair that we get to see her shoot her way through her very own Max Payne-esque game!

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Badass Anime Gunslingers.
