watchmojo top 10 anime Top 3 censorship Top 3 Weirdest Examples Of Anime Censorship

Top 3 Weirdest Examples Of Anime Censorship

What The Hell Were They Thinking?

When adapting source material that contains scenes too dark, perverse or shocking for the general-viewing public, you can count on an anime to sprinkle on the censorship. While it’s fair to say that in recent years these have been tactically applied as to not diminish an episode’s impact, there are some classic examples that have gone on to garner viral infamy.

Image result for dragon ball z hell

Whether its a futile attempt to cover up a brutal death or its yet another case of cringe-worthy English dubs, these particular censors stand as examples to the industry of what not to do!

#3: Jelly Doughnut
“Pokemon” (1997-)

Ah Brock, the franchise’s resident ladies man and constant source of comic relief. You can always count on him to offer sage advice just as much as corny one-liners. While he’s had some awesome hits over the years, the one everyone remembers the most is that one time he confused a rice ball for a jelly doughnut. Because how else is the show going to appeal to its western audience? We love you Brock, but you really need to get your eyes tested.

Image result for brock jelly doughnut

#2: Blackout
“Terra Formars” (2014; 2016)

It’s a series about humanoid cockroaches on Mars ripping humans apart with their bare hands, of course there’s going to be blood. Despite the fact this anime practically sells itself on the fact it has visceral action scenes, Japanese broadcasters apparently got so flustered that they tried blacking out all the gore, which sometimes resulted in two thirds of the screen being cut out, rendering the whole thing unwatchable at times.

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#1: Head Smasher
“One Piece” (1999-)

Oh sure, having a pirate slice apart Navy soldiers with three swords is all fine and dandy, but showing the image of a pistol? We can’t have that! In what has to be 4Kids’ greatest blunder, instead of allowing the scene of Coby being held at gunpoint to play out, they swapped out the firearm for one of the most ridiculous contraptions we’ve ever seen. What even is that? It looks like something you’d see in a Tom & Jerry cartoon!

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Hilariously Bad Anime Dubs.
