watchmojo top 10 garrus video game Top 3 charmer ezio Top 3 Video Game Charmers

Top 3 Video Game Charmers

Cassanovas In The Making

Whether you’re taking on intergalactic threats, trying to make a living as sky pirate or avenging your family’s murder, there’s always time to pursue a little romance in the world of video games, especially if you happened to come armed with a silver tongue. While there are plenty of lecherous pigs out there, a genuine smooth talker is sometimes hard to come by.

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However, when it comes to these three, it’s fair to say there’s just the right amount of charm, desirability and general awkwardness to make them instant catches for those that like their virtual men as sweet as possible.

#3: Balthier
“Final Fantasy XII” (2006)

Sky Pirates don’t come smoother than the Captain of the Strahl. Armed with expert marksmanship and a voice that could melt butter, Balthier is a stern ally to have at the best of times, his pirating ways unable to disguise the fact he’s got a heart of gold. Combine that with a sharp mind and sizzling relationship with first mate Fran and you have a a guy who could put a lot of the other Final Fantasy pretty boys to shame.

Image result for balthier and fran

#2: Garrus Vakarian
“Mass Effect” series (2007-17)

He’s got reach and flexibility, knows how to dance like no other Turian can, wrote the book on sniping and is seemingly never done with those calibrations. Throw in his adorable interactions with FemShep and Garrus somehow manages to be the smoothest cat in the whole galaxy while also acting like blustering teenager at the same time. There’s no better man you’d want at your back for taking on the Reapers, nor a sexier Turian you’d like to take with you on shore leave.

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#1: Ezio Auditore da Firenze
“Assassin’s Creed II” (2009)

The Italian stallion has suffered immense tragedy in his life, slaughtered hundreds of Templars in the name of revenge, yet through it all still manages to come across as the suavest lad to ever come from the Renaissance. He’s had multiple lovers throughout the decades, from his time as a spry assassin all the way to his twilight years as grandmaster, never failing to charm the pants off them with his determination, irresistible accent and coy attitude. We think he’s broken more hearts than he’s actually killed people…

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