You’ll Never Look At These Movies The Same Way Again!
There’s plenty of things to love about conventions. The cosplays, the attractions, the celebrity appearances, the sense of comradery, it’s essentially a nerd nirvana where everyone can have an amazing time. However, over the last few years there’s been a new addition, one that brightens up every venue it touches by means of making every guest laugh their backsides off.
With a whole panel of voice actors armed with ad-libs and impressions, Twisted Toonz essentially takes your favorite movies, recasts them with iconic characters from television and video games, and turns them into experiences that are beyond the pale of funny. While each showing has its fair share of highlights, we feel these three moments best sum up its beautiful insanity.
#3: Steve Blum Channels Harvey Fierstein
While it was all kinds of awesome to see Spike Spiegel and Julia reunite to put their own spin on The Force Awakens, the real treat was when the veteran voice actor took on the role of BB-8. Correction, BB-8 infused with the mannerisms and sassiness of Harvey Fierstein. Not only is Steve utterly fabulous as the Hairspray star, but his frantic beeps mesh rather well with our favorite droid, to the point where we think that if BB-8 had a voice it would probably sound a lot like this…
#2: Nolan North’s John Cleese Walk
It’s fair to say that the Uncharted star managed to steal the show on this one. During a reading of the original Ghostbusters script, Mr North let loose his interpretations of two of Britain’s most well-known actors. While his impression of Jason Statham was spot on, it was when he unleashed the Monty Python legend that everybody truly lost it. Not only did he nail Basil Fawlty’s inflections, but he even pulled off the infamous walk. It was so funny that some of the other actors were left in stupors, right Troy Baker?
#1: John DiMaggio’s Paul Lynde and Tracy Morgan Combo
In what has to be arguably the best rendition of Twisted Toonz thus far, the all-star cast were left in stitches before the might of veteran voice-actor John DiMaggio’s fearless portrayals of these two celebs. Don’t get us wrong, hearing Bender recite lines from Star Wars was all kinds of hilarious, but nothing beats the sight of him channelling his inner diva during the cafeteria scene. Well, at least until he pulled off a spot-on Tracy Morgan impression that floored everyone.
Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Video Game Voice Actor Performances!