They Defy Genre Just As Much As They Defy Physics!
Video games come in all shapes and sizes, especially nowadays where the conventional lines that defined them have all but been erased. Horror games are no longer all about jump scares , indie projects can sometimes have so much content to their name that they outdo AAA titles, the list goes on. That being said, puzzles games still seem to scare some people away with their promises of brain-melting challenges. While there are certainly some head-scratchers out there, there are a few who have so much to offer that you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not checking them out!
Whether for their intriguing premise, underlining narrative or just how stunning the whole thing looks, these particular puzzles are most certainly worth your time!
#3: “Monument Valley” (2014)
If you have any kind of tablet, then there’s no excuse for you to not have this game already uploaded on it. Serene to behold and a marvel to play, the entire game comes across as a moving painting. As you guide the mysterious princess Ida through increasingly complex architectures, you’ll not only find yourself having to overcome all manner of optical illusions, but also find a quaint tranquillity thanks to the game’s beautiful score and lush environments. This is one you’ll wish had an endless stream of levels.
#2: “Portal” series (2007-11)
A killer A.I whose taunting and cake-based deceptions will cement herself as your new favorite video game villain, a never-ending supply of turret robots with rather soft voices, a gauntlet of dangerous and mindbending rooms, a gun that allows you create portals literally everywhere and even a cameo by J.K Simmons. This game is a classic no matter how you look at it. The puzzles may stump you from time to time, but thanks to GLaDOS and Wheatley’s narration, you’ll be too entertained to care.
#1: “The Room” series (2012-2018)
Get all thoughts of Tommy Wiseau out of your head. Starting out as a masterpiece of an iOS title before moving over to PC, this series of thrilling puzzle games places players on the hunt for the mysterious element known as Null. Propelled through multiple dimensions, you can expect to be greeted by a myriad of challenges, each crazier than the last, all the while finding yourself surrounded by ominous locations that’ll bring a chill to your bones on occasion. Do yourself a favor; keep your eyepieces handy and take a gander at this elegantly crafted series!
Be sure to check out the video below to see if any of the titles listed managed to make their way into our picks for Top 10 Mind Bending Modern Puzzle Games.