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Top 10 Most Outrageous Things In South Park: The Fractured But Whole

While it can be debated whether this sequel was truly superior to The Stick of Truth, South Park fans still adored the lewd, crude and oh so entertaining gaming experience The Fractured But Whole provided. Celebrating yet tearing apart the superhero genre, there were plenty of truly awesome moments over the course of the narrative, especially when it came to the combat. However, we’re not here to discuss that, we’e here to talk about the moments that made us do a double-take before we laughed our asses off from the sheer level of distastefulness!

Fair warning, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! 

#10: Stephen Stotch

Turns out that being able to ground people is a real-life superpower, especially since Butters’ father can incapacitate your entire party just by using his parental authority.

#9: Fart Powers

Under the tutelage of Morgan Freeman, your farts will go from a simple expelling of gas to a force great enough to rewind time itself!

#8: Microaggressions

If you want to prove yourself as truly PC, then it’s your duty to go around sucker punching foes who use inflammatory language.

#7: The Summons

Heal your party via Moses, call on Jimbo and Ned to let loose their arsenal, let Gerald run wild with bombs after cheesing himself into a stupor and of course dial up Classi for a good ol’ hit and run.

#6: The Rednecks

The choices you make about your character in terms of their gender, ethnicity, religion and sexuality do indeed have ramifications, though who would have guessed the ones to point it out would be the same group of rednecks? Seems like these guys will be offended by your existence no matter who you choose to be!

#5: Morgan Freeman

Not only is this celebrity your resident mentor, but also a secret boss. Surprise, surprise, he’s the hardest one in the game and has fart powers beyond your wildest dreams.

#4: Kanye?

While his name is never stated out-loud, its pretty clear who the gay fish is supposed to represent. We wonder if he ever did get that joke about fishsticks…

#3: Pooping Minigames

Prepare to hunt down every last toilet in South Park as you embark on an epic quest to crap in of them. Pooping has never been so challenging.

#2: Pedophile Priests

You know you’re playing a South Park game when one of the first enemies you encounter are none other than a pair of priests armed with anal beads and less than holy intentions.

#1: The Peppermint Hippo

Fighting strippers, poisoning the DJ and engaging in a farting lap-dance minigame. Yep, that captures Fractured But Whole in a nutshell!

Do you agree with our list? What do you think is the most outrageous moment in The Fractured But Whole? With new top tens published every day, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo!

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