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Top 10 Mass Effect Missions

When it comes to saving the galaxy, there’s no shortage of exhilarating and dangerous assignments, especially if you name happens to be Shepard. With rich worlds to explore, a cast of companions that players have come to adore, along with a whole slew of intergalactic foes, the Mass Effect series certainly knew how to deliver when it came to missions. There may have been the occasional dud, but when the franchise went big it went cosmic! Just check out the scale and impact of these ten if you need proof.

Fair warning, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

#10: Dossier: Archangel

We knew that this mysterious vigilante had to be an ace with a gun since he managed to get on the bad side of Omega’s top three mercenary groups. Who would have guessed that he would turn out to be our old buddy Garrus!

#9: Race Against Time

Taking down Saren was never going to be an easy feat. Shepard has to make to a mad dash with the Mako in order to reach the Conduit, all before fighting their way across the side of the Citadel. Then there’s the small matter of dealing with a synthetic Saren…

#8: Reaper IFF

It’s Dawn of the Dead in space! While investigating a dead Reaper, Shepard and company not only discover the lone Geth unti Legion, but also a swarm of husks that are more than eager to tear our heroes apart.

#7: Noveria

The battle against Liara’s mother Benezia is a challenge in of itself, but then you are faced with the crucial decision of what to do with the Rachni Queen. Do you drive a species to extinction or prevent the possibility of a new invasion?

#6: Liam Kosta: All In

Who would have guessed Andromeda would have one of the funniest missions in the franchise? When Liam’s plan goes to hell, Ryder ends up going from one bad situation to the next as they try to escape a kett warship. The humour here is top tier!

#5: Priority: Tuchanka

Time to end the Genophage once and for all, but what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it? Do you betray the Krogan race in order to gain Salarian support? Or do endure the heartbreak of watching Mordin die?

#4: Citadel

Everyone needs a break, even Spectres. Sure, you have to deal with an evil clone created by Cerberus, but the real appeal here is getting wasted with your crew! Careful though, Tali can’t handle her liquor.

#3: Virmire: Assault

Shepard has had to make many hard decisions during his time battling the Reapers, but this was the one that really had players in a bind. Who will you save, Ashley or Kaiden?

#2: Lair of the Shadow Broker

Aid Liara in her search for the most infamous information broker in the galaxy, all the while racing flying taxis and playing detective!

#1: Suicide Mission

Defeating the Collectors is no easy feat, and if you aren’t careful with your decisions you could lose all of your crew in the process!

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