watchmojo anime Top 5 vampire hellsing ultimate alucard top 5 Hellsing Ultimate moments

Top 5 Hellsing Ultimate Moments

Gunslinging Dracula FTW!

Horror, violence, vampires done right? For those of you that want to experience an anime that revels in its bloodlust, then you might want to take a bite out of Hellsing Ultimate! 

Now a servant to a British organisation that eliminates all things that go bump in the night, the vampire Alucard is a monster who hunts other monsters on the command of his cigar-smoking badass of a boss, Sir Integra. Its a series that portrays gore and death in such a way that its almost artistic. The fact Alucard’s foes just happens to consist of Nazis and crazy Catholics is just the icing on the cake!

It truly is mature anime action at its finest, which is why we have decided to countdown our picks for Hellsing’s most brutally beautiful moments!

Fair warning, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

#5: Dog Food

Luke Valentine made a really bad judgement call when choosing to face Alucard alone. Despite blowing him to pieces, he doesn’t have nearly enough strength to take down the Count for good. Annoyed and disappointed by the lack of challenge, Alucard decides the best thing to do would be to summon his hellhound familiar and tear the older Valentine brother to pieces.

#4: Alucard Unleashed

Up until this point we had seen Alucard let loose all manner of supernatural abilities, but nothing could compare to the time he was ordered to unlock the power of Level Zero. What did he do? He brought out every soul he had sealed inside of him to create a bloody tidal wave of undead servants that single-handedly slaughtered the Millennium and Iscariot armies. No biggie.

#3: Alucard vs. Anderson

The Vampire King and the Judas Priest have enjoyed one hell of a rivalry over the series. However, it finally came to a head when Anderson tipped the balance. Much to Alucard’s chagrin, Anderson uses the nail that killed Jesus to turn himself into a monster as well. For a moment it looks like Alucard is about to meet his maker, but he manages to come back from the brink and kill his beloved nemesis by tearing out his heart with his bare hands.

#2: The Major’s Speech

It is literally a six minute speech about a deranged Nazi major talking about how he loves war. And yet…we love it. How is that possible? He is the most despicable of people, and yet the longer he goes on we can’t help but be enraptured by his every word. By the time it finishes, not only have our souls been ripped out of our bodies, we are almost at the point of cheering! And that’s why this villain is one of anime’s best.

#1: Seras Victoria vs. Zorin Blitz

Alucard’s fledgling certainly had a few badass moments to her name before this, but she still remained somewhat of a meek police girl who was terrified of giving into her vampiric side. That all changed when Millennium officer Zorin Blitz invaded Hellsing headquarters, kills her love interest, mutilates her, and makes her relieve the memory of how her parents were murdered and violated. After that, she pretty much says “screw it” and becomes the second most powerful vampire in all of creation. Zorin doesn’t last long.
