Featured tv game of thrones hbo GOT hack hackers hacked The Spoils of War Star India television ratings stolen leaked leakers

Latest Game of Thrones Episode Leaked!


Game of Thrones is arguably the most popular show on TV—if not in pure ratings, then certainly in cultural prominence. But as the show never ceases to show us, errybody wants to be king. Or at least get a piece of the throne.

What the hack is going on?

First came reports a few days ago that HBO had been infiltrated by nefarious hackers.

These sneaky keyboard warriors managed to steal lotsa internal HBO documents (which, thankfully doesn’t stand for Hillary and Barack Obama), as well as unreleased episodes of various shows. There were no completed HBO episodes that were stolen, but a script for an upcoming episode was indeed pilfered and leaked.

The horror!

And they keep coming!

Now it’s been reported that this weekend’s upcoming episode, Season 7 Episode 4 “The Spoils Of War” has been stolen and leaked. IN FULL.

Now, this wasn’t the work of hackers, it turns out. THE LEAK CAME FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE.

Well, sorta. The episode is watermarked with the name of HBO’s Indian distributor/partner, Star India. Somebody trusted did something very naughty. And now it’s loose in the wild. And so, basically . . .

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