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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Written by Justin Giglio

Well, here's hoping the wait between seasons won't be as long as last time. Welcome to “Watch Rick and Morty,” the weekly show where we take a look at some of the Easter eggs, important moments, and theories from the newest episode of Rick and Morty. On this episode, we'll be taking a look at Season 3, Episode 10: The Rickchurian Mortydate.
Well, here's hoping the wait between seasons won't be as long as last time. Welcome to “Watch Rick and Morty,” the weekly show where we take a look at some of the Easter eggs, important moments, and theories from the newest episode of Rick and Morty. On this episode, we’ll be taking a look at Season 3, Episode 10: The Rickchurian Mortydate. #3: Steve Bannon While the episode had a number of subtle jabs at the President of the United States, one specific reference was anything but subtle: an exaggeratedly grotesque Steve Bannon standing at POTUS's side. The episode was likely completed before the falling-out between Bannon and Trump, but his inclusion is a clear indication that Harmon and Roiland were basically addressing The Commander in Chief and his administration directly with all of those sly comments. If you thought they were being hard on the president, their depiction of Bannon is far less flattering. #2: Minecraft Portal Minecraft actually had a decent amount of screen time in this weeks episode, but the writers threw in a pretty interesting reference that only Minecraft players would understand. When the government busts out their portal technology, the gateway is activated by a flame - the same way portals are activated in Minecraft. It's a small moment, but one that fans of the game certainly picked up on. The portal itself even kind of looks like a cross between a Stargate and a Nether Portal! #1: Piratephobia Rick doesn't seem like the type who'd be afraid of much, you know, considering nothing matters and everything is happening infinitely and blah blah blah. That being said, this isn't the first time his pirate fixation has come into play. Way back in the season one episode "Anatomy Park," Rick spends a ton of time defending the concept of "Pirates of the Pancreas" - an attraction that was clearly a twisted homage to the famous Disney ride-turned-film series. Of all the attractions in the park, Rick seems to have a deep connection to this one, which is likely explained by his deep-seeded fear of pirates. What else is Rick afraid of? We'll just have to wait for season 4 to find out...
