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Top 10 Things You Missed in Hawkeye Episode 3

Top 10 Things You Missed in Hawkeye Episode 3
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Episode 3 of this Marvel series was action-packed! For this list, we'll be looking at the best MCU callbacks, comic book references and Easter Eggs in this entry of this sharpshooting series. Our countdown includes Echo's Abilities Mirror Taskmaster's, Clint Has Deep Connection With Hank Pym, Comic Hawkeye Actually Wanted an Eye-Catching Costume, and more!

#10: William Lopez Was 100 Percent Right About Dragons

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During a flashback, Maya has a touching exchange with her father William about dragons. He casts doubt on their existence before saying they could be present in a place outside Earth. Whether William was speaking metaphorically or not, his statement was proven to be pretty accurate in “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”. After Shang-Chi travels to a dimension known as Ta Lo, he meets a variety of mythical creatures. He forms the strongest connection with a dragon known as the Great Protector. While it’s unfortunately too late for William to meet the creature, maybe Echo could go to Ta Lo and confirm her father’s words one day.

#9: Comic Hawkeye Actually Wanted an Eye-Catching Costume

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Kate offers to help Clint stand out more as a hero by drawing a mock up costume that is much more attention grabbing than his normal outfits. Her sketch is a great nod to Hawkeye’s original outfit from the comics. At the same time, Kate’s sketch also pokes fun at the comic Clint’s personality. While he was performing a bow and arrow themed act, the crowd got distracted when Iron Man saved innocent civilians. A frustrated Clint decided to create a costume that would make everyone stop and look at him instead. Seeing the MCU’s Hawkeye emphasize that a good costume helps keep him under the radar was a great shot at his character’s original motivations.

#8: Echo’s Abilities Mirror Taskmaster’s

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Over the span of episode 3, we see how quickly Maya is able to read and combat the fighting styles of her opponents. She’s even able to go bow-to-bow with Hawkeye himself. In the comics, Maya has photographic reflexes that allow her to copy other people’s fighting moves easily. If her MCU counterpart has the same ability, she’ll be very similar to Antonia Dreykov’s Taskmaster. Both women had mimicry skills that made them valuable to very bad people and were capable of taking on Avengers. While Clint got away from Maya this time, he might lose the next fight if she learned from their first confrontation and uses his own moves against him.

#7: A Comical Car Chase

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After the heroes escape the Tracksuit’s rundown KB Toys hideout, the duo is forced to flee the villains in a car. Their actions kick off an impressive action sequence that features a great long take, trick arrows and plenty of humor. This car sequence was a near perfect recreation of a certain Hawkeye comic. During a story written by Matt Fraction and drawn by David Aja, the duo find themselves in the crosshairs of the Tracksuit Draculas. In this version of the story, Kate’s driving, Clint’s shooting arrows and they’re riding in a 1970 Dodge Challenger. Both takes on this exciting chase leave a beautiful car absolutely wrecked. We hope there’s a universe where the Challenger is left untouched during this fantastic Hawkeye action sequence.

#6: Clint & Maya Were Closer In Another Universe

In the comics, Maya used her formidable skills to help the Avengers. After she started working with them, she got pretty close to Clint. The two seemed like they might even start a relationship before Hawkweye’s wife miraculously returned. It’s pretty safe to say that the duo will have a completely different dynamic on the show. Not only does Clint have a great marriage with Laura that we would never want to see end, but he’s hiding major secrets from Maya. It’ll take a whole lot of effort for him to gain anything close to the level of trust they have in the comics. But after looking at their comics history, it would be nice to see them on the same side in live-action.

#5: Bishop Security Provides Villainous Easter Eggs

We knew we had to pause the episode when Kate accessed a list of criminals that her family's company keeps track of. One of the names that stood out was Kadlec. In the comics, an Inhuman with that name called himself the Seeker and hunted heroes while wielding powerful tech. Although we haven’t seen Kadlec in live-action, we’re pretty sure the M. Kemp on Bishop Security's list has appeared on a Marvel show. Matt Murdock once asked an incarcerated man whose last name was Kemp for crucial information. Unfortunately for Daredevil, talking to this antagonist instantly got the hero in trouble with tons of enemies. Based on Kadlec and Kemp’s histories with heroes, we’ll assume everyone on Bishop Security’s list is a major threat.

#4: Maya Wrecking Clint’s Hearing Aid Is a Dark Comic Callback

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The first half of the “Hawkeye” series has made it clear that Clint is still adjusting to the fact that he can’t hear like he used to. So, when Maya damages his hearing aid, it seriously throws him off. But this isn’t the only time that a villain has majorly affected Clint’s hearing. In one grim comic sequence, Kazi A.K.A. The Clown gets the jump on Hawkeye and his brother. During this attack, the villain brutally attacks Clint’s ears. The violent assault causes Hawkeye to lose his hearing and leads to him making major adjustments. While Maya’s act was thankfully a lot less brutal, it still highlighted how Clint’s recent hearing loss affects various aspects of his life.

#3: Clint Has Deep Connection With Hank Pym

On the surface, Clint having a Pym arrow that can embiggen seems like it’s a nod to how well he worked with Ant-Man in “Captain America: Civil War”. However, Hawkeye traditionally has a deeper connection to size-changing shenanigans. There was a time where Clint’s comic counterpart felt like arrows wouldn’t be enough to save a kidnapped Black Widow. So, he used a Pym growth formula to become a massive hero known as Goliath. Although Clint has saved lives as this giant hero several times over the years, he’s largely stuck with down-to-earth weapons. But we’d be lying if we said we didn’t want to see Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye grow as big as Ant-Man can at least once.

#2: Ronin Majorly Changed Maya’s Backstory

A harrowing scene reveals that Clint put on the Ronin suit before slaying Maya’s father. Mr. Lopez leaves a handprint on his daughter’s face before tragically passing away in her arms. While Maya lost her father due to violence in the comics, the culprit was very different. Although she was told that Daredevil was the one who ended her dad’s life, the man responsible was actually a famous Marvel crime boss that you might’ve heard of before. Having a man praised as a hero slay Maya’s father in live-action is a shocking twist to her mythos. We’re very nervous about how she’ll react once she learns that Clint struck her father down.

#1: Kingpin May Be Waiting in the Wings

It turns out that the crime boss that shot Maya’s father in the comics was Wilson Fisk A.K.A. Kingpin. But before she discovered this horrifying truth, the villain treated her like family and took care of her while she grew up. There were hints that Maya also may be tight with Fisk on the show. During a flashback to her childhood, she meets an “uncle” whose face we didn’t see and who wears a fancy suit. Kazi, Maya and Clint all refer to this “uncle” as a serious crime boss. D'onofrio's Fisk loved dressing to the nines on “Daredevil” and had a strong criminal reputation in New York City. These small Easter Eggs might just be leading to a big Kingpin appearance soon.
