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Ryan Haven

top 10 anime friendships

18 1
Suggested by Ryan Haven

Naruto & Sauske- Naruto Franchise

10 2

top 10 anime friendships

Play Trivia top 10 anime friendships
Suggested by Miami Heatles5

Ash and Pikachu

8 2
Suggested by Anonymous

Killua & Gon - Hunter x Hunter

7 1
Emily Hepworth
Suggested by Emily Hepworth

Lelouche and Suzuku-Code Geass

5 0
Suggested by Spideyfan-0913

Natsu and Happy- Fairy Tail

5 1
Emily Hepworth
Suggested by Emily Hepworth

Kyouya and Tamaki-Ouran host club

4 1
Suggested by fubakya

Gaara and naruto - naruto

2 0
Suggested by Ryan Haven

Yugi & Joey- Yu-Gi-Yo

4 3
Emily Hepworth
Suggested by Emily Hepworth

Sakura and Tomoyo-Cardcaptor sakura

2 1
Emily Hepworth
Suggested by Emily Hepworth

Yuki and Haru (fruits basket)

3 2

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