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Top 10 Reasons Trying To Make Hollywood Anti-Woke Is Not Going To Work Out

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Suggested by bobbylashley18

Movies And Shows Designed To Be Anti-Woke Will Have To Be Hits And Make Money

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Top 10 Reasons Trying To Make Hollywood Anti-Woke Is Not Going To Work Out

Play Trivia Top 10 Reasons Trying To Make Hollywood Anti-Woke Is Not Going To Work Out
Suggested by bobbylashley18

Hollywood Doesn't Actually Care About Politics Their Just Trying To Make Money

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Suggested by bobbylashley18

Nobody Can Really Agree On How Not To Be Woke

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Daniel Lewis
Suggested by Daniel Lewis

Nobody can agree on what makes something woke

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Daniel Lewis
Suggested by Daniel Lewis

The anti woke movies will still cause controversy

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Suggested by bobbylashley18

There Will Always Be Politics In Some Stories

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Suggested by bobbylashley18

Movies And Shows Are Not Going To Stop With Diversity

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Daniel Lewis
Suggested by Daniel Lewis

Some people are using the term woke to describe movies that do not give them what they want

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Suggested by bobbylashley18

Independent Studios And Creators Will Always Make The Projects They Want With Whatever Message They Want

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Suggested by bobbylashley18

Can't Force Audiences Not To Watch Woke Movies And Shows

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