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Risk Gambler

Top 10 Reasons Some Protagonists Should Count as Villains

3 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

You Either Die a Hero or You Live Long Enough to See Your Become the Villain

3 0

Top 10 Reasons Some Protagonists Should Count as Villains

Play Trivia Top 10 Reasons Some Protagonists Should Count as Villains
Suggested by Risk Gambler

Even Heroes Committed Worst Things

3 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

We Judge on Their Morals

3 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

Put Together as Hero and Villain Would Make Them Antiheroes

2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

At Least Fight Dirty

2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

We Don't Expect Them to Be Goody Two Shoes

2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

It's Best to Root for the Bad Guys

2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

MTV Movie & TV Awards Had Some on MTV Movie Award for Best Villain

2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

People Just Saw American Psycho and Joker

2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

Well Look Who's Talking

2 0

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