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Most unbelievable things that happened

10 12
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Woman sues McDonald's for hot coffee

2 0

Most unbelievable things that happened

Play Trivia Most unbelievable things that happened
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Roommate gets killed over porkchop argument

1 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Man in Chicago gets killed after winning the lottery

1 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

American couple names their child Adolf Hitler Campbell

1 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Dangerous gang shoots people at Chuck E. Cheese's

1 1
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Fourteen year old Jersey girl wears Confederate flag t shirt to school

1 1
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Dancing plague of 1518 (unexplained epidemic in which people literally danced themselves to death)

1 1
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Honorable mention man in India opens up a clothing store named Hitler

1 1
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Woman in Florida has outburst at Burger King because the service took too long

0 1
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Strange cases of exploding head syndrome

0 1

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