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Found 4 search results for colonies
  • What If You Were Born On The Moon?
    Human beings have travelled to the moon, Neil Armstrong famously took 'one small step for mankind' there, but we haven't yet set up the Moon colonies that some were expecting. That's still the stuff of science fiction! But what would life be like if you were actually born on the moon? How would your life experience differ from everyone else's?
    Moon, Space, Living on the moon, Living in space, Born on the moon, Born in space, Astronaut, Moon baby, Moon birth, What is the moon like, Man on the moon, Moon colony, Travel to the moon, Moon cycle, What is the moon, Where is the moon, How far is the moon, NASA, What If, Unveiled, Getty,
  • The History of The American Empire
    The term empire may not be a technically accurate way of describing the U.S., but there is no denying this nation’s influence on the world. looks at the rise, and dominance of this world power.
    history, empires, wars, warfare, fall of empire, United States of America, USA, politics, military soldiers, colonies, territory, Britain, United Kingdom, President, Thirteen Colonies, William McKinley, Thomas Jefferson
  • The History of the Spanish Empire
    Christopher Columbus’ voyage across the Atlantic in 1492 helped Spain establish itself as one of the world's largest ever empires. explores the rise and fall of this one-time world empire.
    history, empires, wars, warfare, fall of empires, Spanish Empire, Spain Europe, colonies, territory, Americas, Christopher Columbus, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Conquistador, Spanish American Wars of Independence, Spanish-American War, languages, religions, mo
  • The History of the British Empire
    Despite reaching its peak of influence at the beginning of the 20th century, this empire originated at the end of the 1400s. explores the rise and fall of this one-time world empire.
    history, empires, war, world war, fall of empire, British Empire, UK, United Kingdom, Britain, English, monarchy, Kings, Queens, colonial, colonies, Napoleon, parliament, sports, soccer, rugby, golf