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Top 5 Funniest John Cena Moments

You Know His Name

From Trainwreck to Blockers all the way to the upcoming Bumblebee film, WWE icon John Cena has demonstrated that not only does he have the charm to make it on the silver screen, but also that he’s got some killer comic timing. Don’t believe us? Check out these five hilarious performances!

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#5: Pazuzu the Drug Dealer
“Sisters” (2015)

We guess seeing the WWE superstar as a drug dealer here is the logical next step. While this guest appearance is much more stoic than usual, Cena still steals the scene. This is partly thanks to his dialogue, which describes a drug box so colorful that only a dealer in Amsterdam could match it. On top of that, the juxtaposition of Cena, with his massive stature and tattoos, and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler creates a hilarious sense of tension. The fact that his character’s named Pazuzu, like the demon from “The Exorcist,” is just icing on the cake.

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#4: Opening Monologue
“Saturday Night Live” (1975-)

Cena impressively joined icons like Richard Pryor, Justin Timberlake and Alec Baldwin by hosting “Saturday Night Live.” During his opening monologue, the Superstar makes it clear that he wants to leave his WWE persona in the ring for the night. However, his SNL co-stars are having none of it. Bobby Moynihan, Leslie Jones and Kenan Thompson each take turns interrupting the monologue to challenge Cena to a match. In the end, he can’t resist, and reverts to his stage character. Apparently, you can take the Cena out of the ring, but you can’t take the ring out of Cena.

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#3: Another Side of Cena
“Trainwreck” (2015)

When it comes to film acting, “Trainwreck” is John Cena’s magnum opus – at least so far. The Superstar plays the sensitive and gym-obsessed guy who’s dating Amy Schumer’s sexually promiscuous character. In a departure from how we normally see him, Cena’s character Steven is the kinda guy who prefers talking through issues, even if it doesn’t always work out so well. He shows off his softer side when attempting to trash talk, and even during an awkward sex scene. Sadly, he eventually gets his heart crushed by Amy after he reveals his dreams for the future.

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#2: The ProGlide Challenge
Gillette Fusion ProGlide commercial (2010)

Maybe his return at the 2008 Royal Rumble isn’t Cena’s most shocking appearance after all. Cena already represented Gillette against NASCAR racers in a previous commercial. But this time Cena surprises unsuspecting bathroom-goers, aggressively encouraging the startled civilians to take the Gillette ProGlide Challenge. Once the sense of shock clears, the men in the room mimic Cena’s aggression, even shouting louder than the Superstar himself. Seeing Cena’s WWE character transplanted into everyday life, and how regular people just can’t help but play along with him, is what makes this commercial a hilarious standout.

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#1: The Champ Is Here!!!
“Parks and Recreation” (2009-15)

Cena’s known as a great closer for the WWE, so he was recruited to help “Parks and Recreation” close out its final season. In the episode “The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show,” his real-life self is invited to Andy’s public access show. While Cena thinks he’s there to entertain kids, he’s quickly arrested for allegedly stealing Johnny Karate’s $900 million guitar. Since he’s the only person not aware it’s staged, Cena’s continued confusion amid borderline torture helps make this a sidesplitting sendoff to Andy’s show. It’s hilarious performances like this that helped Cena build a successful career outside the ring.

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Greatest John Cena Matches!

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