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Top 10 Insane Anime Characters

Anime characters that are brooding and badass are all well and good, but where are the lunatics?! The freaks of nature who are so twisted they get their kicks from doing all kinds of crazy hijinks? Those are the characters that we love to see. Lucky for us, these ten are the creme de la creme when it comes to psychosis!

Be warned, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

#10: Mao

Hey, anyone would lose it if they start hearing voices. Unfortunately for Mao, they never shut up.

#9: Dr Franken Stein

A teacher and meister with more than a few screws loose. Well, one giant one.

#8: Broly

He hates Goku. As in, he reeeeeeeally hates Goku. So much so that he transformed into a character with muscles beyond comprehension.

#7: Hisoka

A creepy jester is one thing, but one who gets turned on by strong fighters (even kids) is a whole new level of uncomfortable.

#6: Mikami

This servant of Kira believes in his God so much that over the course of the series he gradually loses his collective mind until he’s overcome with devotion (and crazy)

#5: Hidan

A zealot in service to a murderous deity who loves nothing more than to slay heathens. Oh, and he can’t be killed. At all.

#4: Claire Stanfield

A gangster whose murder sprees always leave him drenched in blood and who believes the world revolves around him. Given how he isn’t dead yet, it might be true…

#3: Junko Enoshima

She’s all about despair, so much so that she was willing to off her twin and set up the mutual killing games. Then when it all fell apart she happily executed herself. Cuckoo.

#2: Juuzou Suzuya

Due to being tortured by Ghouls in his youth, this member of the CCG is more than a little messed up, and will brutally kill anyone who gets in his way.

#1: Rena Ryuga

It’s always the quiet ones. In some timelines; Rena is an absolute sweetheart. In others; she’ll cut you to pieces with a giant cleaver.

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