Top 10 Operators in Rainbow Six: Siege

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Top 10 Operators in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

No matter how you play, there’s sure to be an operator to fit your style. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Operators from Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege.

For this list, we’ll be taking a look at all the operators released thus far. Attacker or defender, these operators can significantly influence the team’s results in favor of a victory. While most of the things we’ll be talking about work in terrorist hunt, we’ll mainly be focusing on the effectiveness of these operators when playing multiplayer.

#10: Mira

It’s a scary time when you’re holed up in your defensive room as you wait for the attackers to push on the objective. Mira’s gadget helps to eliminate some of that stress. Her bullet-proof glass panels allow friendlies to see out of the room, while the enemies can’t see in. If you decide to get your murder on, you can just pop open the one-way mirror and let them have it, though this tactic isn’t advised, as it essentially creates an opening for the entire attacking team to fire inside. Surveillance is more essential than aggression when defending.

#9: Glaz

You’d think a sniper wouldn’t really be appropriate for the close quarters combat that takes place in Siege, but you’d be surprised at how effective Glaz can be in battle. His flip scope lets you switch to a red dot sight for those personal moments, and the gun’s high damage means that as long as you land your shots, you’ll come out alive. His scoped thermal sight highlights enemies in yellow, and coupled with some smoke grenades; he can easily see what’s happening in a room when others can’t.

#8: Mute

Without a doubt, having a Mute on your team always helps. His signal disruptors do just that; disrupt signals. This puts a lot of attacking operators’ gadgets out of business. Drones can be deactivated, explosive cluster charges will prove ineffective, and your reinforced walls will stay safe from the likes of Thermite and Hibana. If you’re fortunate in keeping the drones out, it may buy you enough time to adequately prepare for the incoming attackers. Easy score, too, when you step out of your room and see a pile of drones out of commission.

#7: Fuze

This hulking character is equipped with a cluster charge that penetrates barricades, shooting out a bunch of explosive pellets, destroying everyone and everything inside the room. It’s not uncommon to see the kill feed show three kills in one go from Fuze. Sometimes, he’ll even end a match with a single cluster charge. Players that really know how to play won’t just activate the cluster charge anywhere and will strike when they know for sure that someone is in the room, or if it’s the objective room. Just make sure you aren’t playing hostage.

#6: Jager

When you’re the only defensive operator to have an assault rifle as opposed to a submachine gun, playing aggressively isn’t such a bad idea. While his impressive Defense Systems can halt grenades in their track, he’s more effective at getting the jump on the attackers. His quick speed and assault rifle allow him to quickly close in on good viewpoints to take out unsuspecting attackers, making him one of the best roamers to play. Just as long as you get used to his recoil.

#5: Valkyrie

Knowing the ins and outs of the map is critical to efficiently playing Valkyrie. Surveillance is her strongsuit, and with the ability to deploy up to three cameras across the map, she can essentially know the position of every enemy. Not only that, anyone else defending can jump on her cameras too, which means no more surprise attacks from the opposing team. She also has one of the fastest firing SMG’s in the game, capable of tearing up foes left and right. With great weapons and equal speed and armor, she truly is an excellent roamer.

#4: Rook

Sponging an extra bullet is sometimes all it takes for you to come out of a firefight victorious. As Rook, you can place a satchel full of armor plates down, which grant an extra 20% damage resistance. This comes in handy for light and speedy operators. They get the armor boost without the sacrifice of speed. The plates also protect you from being totally killed after your health reaches zero… unless you get shot in the head. Being downed but not out makes you breathe a sigh of relief, as it means you’ve been granted a second chance, and sometimes, that’s all it takes to secure the win.

#3: Doc

The only healing operator in the game, Doc is equipped with a Stim Pistol, and with only three shots available in multiplayer, the person playing him had better make them count. While slow, Doc has maximum armor, meaning he probably shouldn’t be played aggressively. His Stim Pistol can even be used to revive downed friends from afar, as well as be used to self-revive, which certainly helps if everyone’s gone lone wolf. As long as the team is communicating, Doc’s healing capabilities can save many lives.

#2: Thermite

There’s nothing like that secure feeling of being tucked in a corner, surrounded by reinforced walls to cover your back while you aim at the only open entrance of the room. Unfortunately, those reinforced walls are still susceptible to collapse. Enter Thermite, an attacking operator with the ability to destroy reinforced walls, creating entries at positions in which the defenders have decided to ignore. With equal speed and armor, and a few great weapon choices, Thermite is one of the most balanced operators in the game.

#1: Hibana

Hibana will take some getting used to, but once mastered, she’s a devastating operator to go against. She’s a three-speed operator with weapons that seriously pack a punch, as well as being scarily accurate. Her launcher fires pellets that can destroy reinforced walls. While the area of effect isn’t as whole as Thermite’s, her smaller entry points allow enough space to get some clean shots in, and when you’re blowing holes in three reinforced walls while you break in from somewhere else, the enemies will be dead before they figure out what’s going on.

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