x-men Marvel Comics FX Legion

Legion Season 2 Episode 2 BREAKDOWN | WatchClub

Welcome to WatchClub! This week, we’re breaking down Legion Season 2, Episode 2: “Chapter 10.”

It was another stellar episode following an excellent season premiere in what has to be one of the weirdest shows on television.

This week confirms what last episode’s ending ambiguously alluded to: David has been working with the Shadow King, even going as far as to collude in order to lure the gang away from Division so that Farouk could sneak in.  That – as it turns out – was a mistake.

In the resulting infiltration, Cary and Kerry get flipped inside out, resulting a pretty jarring moment with an arm protruding out of a chest. Pretty disturbing stuff on any other show, but par for the course on Legion.

We also get a  visit from one-armed-future-Syd, who warns of an impending doom that could be prevented if David manages to NOT kill Farouk and find his body. One-armed-future-Syd wants to prevent her timeline from happening by instigating a change in the past – very “Days of Future Past” if you ask us.

Jon Hamm is back to share some strange tales. This is the second time we’ve had these bizarre act breaks, but they really work to create a cohesive theme to each episode. Legion can be pretty obtuse with its weird mind stuff, and now you throw some timey wimey stuff in there, and it can be downright impenetrable, so these short stories help to set up what the episode is “about” – or maybe we’re just reading too much into these. So far though, these have been really informative and relevant to the episode surrounding them – it’s a cool addition to this season.

When we finally do get a confrontation between David and the Shadow King, it begins as a wrestling match in the Astral Plane, but quickly escalates to a tank and a storm duking it out. The two work it out, Farouk says some stuff in French and quotes John Lennon, and they’re right back where they started: working together under the condition that Farouk won’t harm anyone in the process – didn’t exactly work out that way the first time, but maybe Farouk has changed! Yeah, probably not.

Be sure to check out the newest episode of WatchClub: Legion every Wednesday, and keep watching Legion along with us!
