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VOICE OVER: Aaron Kline WRITTEN BY: Aaron Kline
We'll need the best arsenal we can get our hands on in order to take out the horde of evil machines in our path. For this video we're counting down our picks for the 10 best weapons in Atomic Heart. Our list includes the Pashtet, Zvezdochka, Railgun, Kalash, Fat Boy and more!

10 Best Weapons In Atomic Heart

Aaron Kline

Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re counting down our picks for the 10 best weapons in Atomic Heart.

We’ll need the best arsenal we can get our hands on in order to take out the horde of evil machines in our path. While Atomic Heart may not have the best gunplay or melee combat out there, having the right weapons can make the somewhat janky combat more enjoyable.

With each weapon feeling different, we’re curious to know which weapon you thought was best? Let us in the comments.

#10: MP

A classic first person shooter weapon, the MP is pretty much your all around average pistol, with a moderate damage output, rate of fire, and magazine size. The thing that gives the MP a leg up on some of the game’s other weapons is the fact that the recoil is basically nonexistent. During my first few hours with the game, I actually neglected the MP due to it seeming so average, but once I started pairing it with abilities, I in turn started seeing the benefits of using it. Paring the MP with the freeze ability, for example, I was able to take out baddies pretty quick.

#9: Fox

While melee may not be the best way to take out the mechanical army you’re up against, it can come in handy depending on your weapon of choice. The Fox is a weaker melee weapon with a less than stellar range, but its attacks are quick and brutal. While the Fox on its own may not be something to praise, pairing the Fox with our dash ability when surrounded by the blood thirsty machines is really where it shines. It’s funny seeing a somewhat archaic looking weapon taking out futuristic robots.

#8: Pashtet

Just like the Fox, Pashtet is yet another melee weapon that will most likely go unused by some, but this one shouldn’t be counted out. The Pashtet is everything the Fox is, but a little more beefed up, with a higher damage output and quicker attack speed. Oddly enough, while the charge attack charges up rather quickly, it doesn’t feel like it packs much of a punch, but despite the lackluster animation, it does do considerable damage. The Pashtet will easily slice through enemies like butter… or like pashtet.

#7: Snowball

Ahh, the Snowball. Probably one of the most deceptive melee weapons in the game. At first glance it looks as if it’s a heavy duty melee weapon built from scavenged metals. Even the attack animation fools us with slow attacks that, while they deal some damage, are only a bit more powerful than the faster weapons on the list. With each brutal swing, I can see why some may use the Snowball to feel like the tough guy Agent P-3 portrays himself as, but there is one bigger and badder melee weapon out there.

#6: Zvezdochka

Hands down the best melee weapon and the hardest name on this list to pronounce, the Zvezdochka almost made me want to put away my guns entirely. Basically a pair of spinning blades on a stick, the Zvezdochka deals the most damage by far compared to the game’s other melee weapons, at times even doubling the damage output. To go along with the high power of our normal attacks, the Zvezdochka deals massive damage when using its slow charge attack. Sure, the Zvezdochka might look a little weird, but man it’s one heavy hitter.

#5: Railgun

Oh, the Railgun, how I wanted to love you more. The Railgun is top tier in every category with one exception: rate of fire. With a satisfying charge up and a powerful shot, the Railgun can be a blast to use, given the proper situation - that being a one-on-one showdown. In this situation, the Railgun would be my pick over almost any weapon in the game. The problem is, you don’t find yourself in many one-on-one battles in Atomic Heart. Another downfall of the Railgun is that you can’t upgrade it, so what you see is what you get.

#4: Kalash

Every first person shooter has to have a satisfying machine gun, and boy, is the Kalash satisfying to use. While the Kalash doesn't stray far from your typical AK-47, it’s nice to have an old familiar weapon you can rely on. Pairing the Kalash with an elemental module can make quick work of foes that are weak to certain elements. While the Kalash is a great weapon, it still does have one big flaw. With its high rate of fire, the gun jumps around a good bit, so it’s best to avoid using it for long range attacks.

#3: Electro

The Electro is one of the first energy guns you should unlock and chances are you will quickly become attached to it like I did. The Electro may not be anything special to look at - in fact, it’s pretty much a glorified pistol using energy ammo - but that’s okay. The Electro became my good ol’ reliable that I could always fall back on. Once I’d run out of ammo for my main guns, I always knew I had the Electro charged up and ready to fire. I actually found the Electro to be the best all-around energy weapon in the game, and once it entered my weapon wheel, it never left.

#2: Fat Boy

Now we have some power! The Fat Boy is a heavy hitting racket launcher. Before I start gushing over it, I have to admit, the Fat Boy isn’t all that great until we get some upgrades on it. The shot also has a weird arc to it and reloading is super slow. But once we throw some upgrades into this bad boy, it starts to really shine. You can equip it with either trap mines or homing missiles once upgraded and it can even turn it into a rocket launcher revolver, going from one shot to three. Just don’t try to rocket jump with it.

#1: KS-23

It’s not very often one of the first weapons you get in the game is also one of the best. The KS-23, or shotgun, was my go-to weapon throughout most of my robot killing journey. At first, the shotgun holds a few rounds, but upgrades can fix that. Even when you are limited to a small number of rounds, the amount of damage it deals makes up for it. My go-to method with the KS-23 was to simply freeze the baddies and go for headshots with this powerful beast. This is one bad shotty bugatti.