10 Video Game Sequels That TARNISHED The Series

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10 Video Game Sequels that Tarnished the Original

Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are looking at 10 video game sequels that tarnished the original. Whether it’s a direct sequel or an entry in a line of sequels, as long as it was universally disliked enough to turn people off the series, we’re gonna talk about it. Let’s do it!

“Metal Gear Survive” (2018)

“Metal Gear Solid” is one of the most popular game series of all time. From “Metal Gear Solid 1”, to “Metal Gear Solid V”, from “Portable Ops" to "Peace Walker", these games have delighted and amused fans of the series and casual gamers alike. “Metal Gear Solid V” lost some longtime fans as it let the story take a backseat to gameplay, an abnormality in a series which holds the Guiness World Record for the longest cutscene of all time, but the few haters weren’t enough to tarnish this widely beloved game. It was the following entry, “Metal Gear Survive", which would put the series in a coma still to this day. Generic gameplay, zero polish, heavy monetization - this game was an insult to Kojima’s legacy as the first entry released after he left Konami.

“Resident Evil 6” (2012)

If you want to talk about a series with the most range in quality, from A to F, Resident Evil deserves a place in that conversation. Resident Evil 1-5 are mostly and widely beloved, with a slight dip in love with the fifth entry. This game should have warned us that horror was taking a break and action was taking over because the following entry, “Resident Evil 6”, was one of the most outrageous, egregious, and absurd action games ever made. Capcom ventured into new narrative territories with the sixth installment, introducing interweaving storylines across various continents. However, among fans of the Resident Evil franchise, there is a widespread consensus that “Resident Evil 6” is poopy bum bum. Players often link RE5 and 6 as the lows in the series, but although they share very similar gameplay, RE5 wasn’t as universally despised until the sixth entry came along.

“Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness” (2003)

“Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness” is often criticized for a plethora of flaws. Released in 2003, the game faced issues like clunky controls, a problematic camera system, and frequent glitches that hindered gameplay. The narrative, while ambitious, ended up being a pile of garbage due to its convoluted storytelling. Numerous bugs and technical limitations affected overall immersion, and the game's departure from the series' successful formula disappointed fans. All of these factors resulted in an experience that tarnished the successful series and left Lara Croft feeling a bit Lara Lost... Shut up.

“Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days” (2010)

Unpolished and subpar graphics, an intentionally shaky camera style that proved disorienting for players, a narrative that was weaker than McDonald’s coffee… “Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days” was an experience that killed this potentially long running series with one fell swoop… Some point to the character development and consider it weak, lacking the depth seen in the first game. Additionally, the multiplayer aspect was deemed uninspiring, offering limited engagement. The overall experience suffered from a lack of innovation, with repetitive gameplay and uninspired mechanics. While some appreciated its gritty tone, the game failed to live up to expectations set by its predecessor, resulting in a generally unfavorable reception among gamers and critics alike.

“Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2” (2010)

“Star Wars: The Force Unleashed ' is beloved by gamers and Star Wars fans alike, but “The Force Unleashed 2”… Yeeesh. The storyline was convoluted, and the depiction of Starkiller in “The Force Unleashed 2” felt less engaging than in its predecessor. Although combat remained enjoyable and Starkiller's abilities provided a sense of wielding the Force powerfully, lackluster level design, monotonous animations, and uninspired boss battles diminished much of the enjoyment found in the first game, as acknowledged by both players and critics. This game wouldn’t allow the series to progress, and focus was sent elsewhere for Star Wars video games.

“Devil May Cry 2” (2003)

Some forget just how close “Devil May Cry 2” came to sinking the series, but cast your minds back to its release and think about just how terrible it truly was when compared to the original with its uninspired level design, lackluster enemy AI, and a poorly implemented camera system that hindered gameplay. The protagonist, Dante, experienced a notable departure from his charismatic and dynamic character in the first game, leaving fans disappointed. Additionally, the overall difficulty was toned down, diminishing the series' signature challenging gameplay. The lack of polish, unengaging narrative, and failure to meet the high standards set by its predecessor contributed to "Devil May Cry 2" being considered a subpar entry in the acclaimed action franchise.

“Dino Crisis 3” (2003)

What happens when survival horror games depart from the genre that made them popular? You get “Resident Evil 6”, “Dead Space 3”, and of course, “Dino Crisis 3”. The game shifted from the tense, atmospheric gameplay to a more action-oriented and space-themed setting, alienating fans of the series. The convoluted plot, awkward controls, and a lack of coherent design further contributed to its negative reception. The departure from the beloved formula, combined with technical issues and the loss of the series' established tone, ultimately resulted in “Dino Crisis 3" being widely regarded as a disappointing installment in the franchise. “Dino Crisis 4” could still be great though, let's try and make it happen!

“Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” (2011)

“Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” received criticism for its perceived lack of innovation compared to its predecessors, with gameplay and mechanics remaining largely unchanged. Now I only say perceived, because the COD community terrifies me, and I’m trying to sit on the fence here. The single-player campaign was criticized for a predictable plot, whilst multiplayer faced scrutiny for balance issues and recycled features. The gameplay was meh, the graphics were poop, and the title overall was *fart noise*. That's as eloquent as I’d like to be. Overall, “Modern Warfare 3” failed to evolve the series in any meaningful way.

“Duke Nukem Forever” (2011)

Duke Nukem is a series from the golden generation of gaming that etched its way into players' hearts with its crude jokes, bloody gameplay, and adult content. “Duke Nukem 3D” was the last mainline entry to release before “Duke Nukem Forever”, and it blended well with the temperament of gamers in 1996. Fast forward 15 years to 2011, and let’s see if Duke will still hit the same… Spoiler alert: he didn’t. “Duke Nukem Forever” faced criticism for its outdated design, repetitive gameplay, and juvenile humor, failing to meet the expectations set during its prolonged development. The game's offensive content, coupled with uninspired level design and technical issues, led to a lackluster and disappointing experience for both longtime fans and new players. To put it in layman’s terms, we were so three thousand and eight, and Duke was so two thousand and late… I hate myself.

“Sonic the Hedgehog” (2006)

Sonic ‘06 was so bad, so reprehensible, so disgustingly below average, that it created a muddy, sticky, dirty pit of hate that Sonic has been trying to climb out of ever since. The good news is, Sonic 06 was definitely Sonic’s rock bottom, so it doesn’t get worse. Not only is it the worst Sonic game, but it’s arguably one of the worst games of all time. Widely criticized for its rushed development resulting in numerous technical flaws including glitches and poor camera mechanics, the awful plot and inconsistent character design further detracted from the experience. Also, and I know I’ll say this till the day I die… THAT KISS! YUCK!

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