Top 20 Most Entertaining Joe Rogan Experience Guests

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Script Written by William Regot

Top 20 Most Entertaining Joe Rogan Experience Guests

Each episode is a trip. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 20 Most Entertaining Joe Rogan Experience Guests.

For this list, we’ll be looking at the most interesting people to come on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. We’re not necessarily saying that we agree with all of their opinions, but their interviews make for seriously entertaining viewing.

#20: Steve-O

As to be expected, Steve-O is an unflinching guest, open about all of the crazy experiences of his life. At least what he remembers. The “Jackass” star has talked about his travels, his drug use, and time that he’s spent in a psych ward. Given everything that has happened to Steve-O and what he’s put himself through, it’s a wonder he isn’t dead. For those who dismiss Steve-O as just an empty headed buffoon, his appearances on the JRE give him a chance to show another side of him, such as his story of how he was able to score good seats at a Motley Crue concert for free at the age of 13 by problem solving.

#19: Ben Shapiro

A well-known mind on the conservative side of American politics, Ben Shaprio prides himself on being rational, putting “facts” before “feelings,” which Rogan himself has considered refreshing. While Rogan and Shapiro have their differences on social issues, they have been able discuss them in a civil manner, whether the topic is gay marriage or marijuana legalization. With sharp analysis and a quick tongue, Shapiro outlines problems he has with today’s leftwing and presents arguments as to why their positions are flawed. If you’re gonna debate him, you’re going to have to come prepared.

#18: Kevin Smith

Given the type of dialogue found in Kevin Smith’s films and the topics he covers at public events, it’s not hard to see how Kevin Smith is a perfect guest for this podcast. He’s funny, and he brings up interesting subjects that he and Joe can ruminate upon. He’s also not afraid to open up on personal subjects such as his near fatal heart attack and a painful episode where he had to have a pet dog put down. He’s down to earth and relatable, making his appearances excellent listening for anyone who’s got a couple of hours to kill.

#17: Jay Leno

When the former “Tonight Show” host came on, Rogan got a chance to talk about the craft of comedy with one of the giants. Leno talked about the good old days of stand up comedy and how he first got started in Boston when there was no such thing as a comedy club. He also brought up run ins he had with the mob when he performed at nightclubs and working with strippers. Leno was affable as he told his old stories. And, of course, there was a little bit of car talk.

#16: Paul Stamets

Mycology, or the study of fungus, may not immediately jump out as an interesting field to study, but after listening to Paul Stamets, you’ll want to crack open a biology textbook and learn everything you can about the subject. The way he talks about the subject will change the way you think of fungus and the world. Stamets brings up fascinating facts about fungi, such as humanity’s having been descended from fungi and its various uses. And of course, because this is a Joe Rogan podcast, they also talk about drugs. Naturally.

#15: Bill Burr

For anyone who’s seen this comedian perform stand up or go on “Conan,” you know he’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind, whether it’s offensive or outlandish. Burr manages to be cynical about the world around him and doesn’t take things too seriously. He often brushes off heavy subjects with casual indifference, and deconstructs ideas in a way that make people see them in a new, interesting light. It’s always entertaining to watch him go off on a rant, even if he hasn’t thought things 100 percent through.

#14: Duncan Trussell

Sharing many of Joe Rogan’s sensibilities, especially those related to drugs, this comedian is one of the podcast’s most frequent guests. Trussel has appeared on episodes with numbers with superstitious connotations like 666 and 1313, which shows you the kind of comedian he is. For some of Trussell’s episodes, he and Rogan get dressed up in outlandish costumes, as in episode #666 where Trussell dressed up like the Pope and Rogan was an astronaut. If you’re a fan of Bill Hicks’s style of comedy, this is one guest you’ll want to catch.

#13: Lance Armstrong

If you think you know the whole story behind the doping scandal with Lance Armstrong, this appearance from the seven time winner of the Tour De France might show it’s more complicated. Armstrong brings up the aftermath of the scandal, including the effects on his Livestrong Foundation, and he explains things the way he sees them. While Armstrong acknowledges that he let people down, he also makes excuses for why things happened the way they did. Upon learning about the intense backlash, Rogan was somewhat sympathetic to what Armstrong was going through, believing the hatred to be overblown.

#12: David Goggins

A retired Navy SEAL and ultramarathon runner, David Goggins is an inspiration for anyone who wants to change their station in life. On Rogan’s podcast, Goggins has told his life story of how he was at one time a 300 pound man working as a bug sprayer, but through sheer determination, he was able to get himself in shape and join the Navy SEAL. His story is one full of obstacles such as his father’s abuse and his own crippling fear, and his overcoming these obstacles by not giving up.

#11: Randall Carlson

For anyone who’s interested in the history of ancient civilizations or major geological events, Randall Carlson is one guest to listen to. According to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Carlson is a “master builder”, “architectural designer” “teacher,” “geometrist,” and “renegade scholar,” among other things. And when he goes on the podcast, he covers a wide range of subjects from asteroids to floods to ice ages that will blow your mind. Bringing out charts and graphs, he’s laid out data supporting catastrophic events that have shaped the earth and human history.

#10: Leah Remini

Ever since she left the Church of Scientology in 2013, this “King of Queens” actress has been a vocal critic of the organization. During her appearance in January 2017, Leah Remini dished on her experiences in the church, growing up practicing Scientology and how it affected her. Remini also talked about her attempts to be a devout member and how she wrote up reports on Tom Cruise because she thought he wasn’t setting a good example as a Scientologist. If you’ve ever been curious about Scientology, this is a good episode to watch.

#9: Graham Hancock

Perhaps best known for his book “Fingerprints of the Gods,” Graham Hancock is a journalist who challenges conventional views of scientists and historians on past events and ancient civilizations and deconstructs why he believes they are wrong. Then he offers his own theories of what could possibly be our real. Listeners of the podcast are in for a treat when Hancock appears with Randall Carlson, and the two come together to discuss their ideas, such as how lost civilizations with could have been wiped out by a cataclysmic event

#8: Jordan Peterson

This clinical psychologist and University of Toronto professor is popular with the right. Peterson is critical of leftwing academia, particularly college professors’ and students’ fixation on Marxism, which he sees as a corrupting if not dangerous ideology. He’s appeared on the podcast with Bret Weinstein, a former professor from Evergreen State University who is also critical of the SJW culture found on college campuses. His central philosophy is that people should stop feeling sorry for themselves because of their identities and take personal responsibility, which will lead to happiness and success, which is somehow more engaging than it sounds.

#7: Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Nobody likes a show off, unless that show off is Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The astrophysicist rattles off knowledge in all sorts of areas, including math, science, and history, and he manages to repeatedly blow Joe Rogan’s mind, whether he’s talking about infinity or explaining Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. If you listen long enough to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, there’s a good chance you will learn something. While Rogan is known for frequently having members of the “Intellectual Dark Web” on his show, guests like Tyson show the true diversity of his audience.

#6: Mike Tyson

An eccentric personality. Stories to tell. Open about drug use. Mike Tyson checks off all the boxes as the perfect guest for the Joe Rogan experience. On his appearance on the 1127th episode in January 2019, Mike Tyson brought up stories such as how he got his tigers and once gave a guy a Rolls Royce to avoid getting arrested. He also told about how his mom gave him alcohol and marijuana as a child to make him go to sleep, and tried cocaine and LSD before he was a teenager. Yet Tyson says he never had a cup of coffee in his life. Go figure.

#5: Alex Jones

Fittingly enough, Alex Jones made his first appearance on the podcast for episode #911. It turns out that Rogan and Jones have a friendship that goes back to the late '90s. And of course, the whole episode was chock full of conspiracy theories, ranging from pedophilia rings to NASA coverups. For those who think that Alex Jones must be high to believe all these conspiracies, Rogan did admit they were both high during the taping. Jones has made a return appearance on episode #1255 to discuss hardships he has endured as of late such as Sandy Hook fallout and being deplatformed from social media websites.

#4: Theo Von

A frequent guest on the podcast, Theo Von is a comedian with a laid back personality. But even for a comedian, he has strange views such as feeling the need to plan out who he’d want to eat in the event of a plane crash if he to resort to cannibalism, and he drops jokes right out of nowhere when it looks like he’s being serious. Since Theo Von has such a random sense of humor, Rogan takes the opportunity when he’s on to mull over a wide range of topics.

#3: Elon Musk

This tech entrepreneur and billionaire CEO is the most high profile guest Joe Rogan has had on so far, making an appearance in September 2018. Musk had a dry sense of humor as he brought up nerdy science topics. One topic that Musk brought up was his concerns on artificial intelligence and its implications. Musk believed the industry needed regulations, an idea he tried to press on then-President Barack Obama and congress. However, what probably got the most attention in the news from Musk’s appearance was him taking a puff from a joint on camera.

#2: Eddie Bravo

A Jiu-Jitsu instructor, music producer, and standup comedian, Eddie Bravo does a little of everything and throws himself into all of it with passion. When Bravo comes on Rogan’s podcast, two common subjects they talk about are fighting and conspiracy theories such as the earth being flat, and false flags. It’s fun to watch Bravo bring up suspicious things the government is allegedly doing, only for Rogan to push back with skepticism. When they interact, it’s obvious that Rogan and Bravo have known each other for a long time and don’t skip a beat.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Kevin Hart

Edward Snowden

Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts

Candace Owens

#1: Joey Diaz

Another one of Rogan’s friends who’s made several appearances on the podcast throughout the years, this comedian is a fan favorite. Looking like a supporting character out of “The Sopranos,” Uncle Joey gives his opinions about the world with a blunt frankness. He’s always good for an interesting story about growing up as a Cuban American in New Jersey, the way people used to act in the old days, or just whatever strange thing that has happened to him lately. But one thing is for sure, when you tune in, you’ll be interested in what he has to say next.

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