Top 10 WORST Movies of 2016

Top 10, List, Top 5, Movies, Film, Worst, Bad, Awful, Unwatchable, Oscar, Razzi, Award, Bomb, Assassin's Creed, Michael Fassbender, Box office, Disaster, Norm of the North, Rob Schneider, Polar Bear, Animated, Gods of Egypt, Gerard Butler, Nicholaj Coster,

Every year there are a number of great films that capture our attention, but they can’t all be winners. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Movies of 2016.

For this list, we are looking at the year’s worst films, considering both critical reception and audience opinion.

#10: “Shut In” (2016)

Jacob Tremblay had a huge year in 2015 as the breakout star in “Room”, for which he won a number of awards. 2016 wasn’t so great for him, however, as he starred in this thriller that has an absence of… thrills. Critics panned the film, which received a 4% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with many focusing on the incoherent and clichéd plot. With a talented cast and relatively low budget, this film seemed like a potential gold mine, but brought in less than eight million dollars at the box office, making it both a critical and commercial flop.

#9: “Nine Lives” (2016)

This is another film with a solid cast that failed miserably on the execution. Of course, any movie with the premise of turning Kevin Spacey into a cat seems destined for failure. The film somehow made money, proving why we can’t have nice things, but was destroyed critically. It features the same old clichéd plot of a businessman having neglected his family until something supernatural happens to make him realize how lucky he is. Cats may have nine lives, but you only have one, and it would be a pity to waste almost 90 minutes of it on this nonsense.

#8: “Fifty Shades of Black” (2016)

Once in a while a spoof movie is released that captures an audience’s attention with clever satire. This is not the case with this film. Considering that the source material is almost a spoof in itself, it was a curious choice to go after “Fifty Shades of Grey”. The comedy follows essentially the same plotline, but amazingly features less laughs than the original film (although, granted, the original film didn’t intend to produce these laughs). A parody movie that isn’t funny is not a winning combination. It somehow made money at the box office, however, so don’t be surprised to see a sequel down the road.

#7: “Suicide Squad” (2016)

It’s been a bit of a rough year for DC. Things looked good initially – the trailers for both Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad looked terrific, and it seemed like DC would begin to chip away at Marvel’s success. While Batman v Superman was also a flop, we chose to go with Suicide Squad for this list. Despite featuring a few solid performances, the plot was confusing and incoherent at times, the pacin didn’t work and they relegated the Joker to a glorified cameo. Considering the film was rewritten numerous times and there’s alleged to be multiple different versions out there, it’s no wonder it turned out to be a bit of a mess.

#6: “The Darkness” (2016)

It can be difficult to make a horror movie that doesn’t hit the same notes of every other horror movie to come before it, which is one of the main problems this film faces. It is said to be based on actual events about a family who travels to the Grand Canyon. However, after viewing it, we can only assume actual events mean the number of movies this film clearly rips off, including the haunted ancient burial ground, an exorcist to cleanse the house, and a de,on that tries to abduct a child. If you end up stuck watching this flick, at least you can try to remember all the good horror films it attempts to copy.

#5: “Zoolander 2” (2016)

Releasing a sequel 15 years after the first film isn’t the best idea. While the movie brings back all of our favorite characters from the original Zoolander, and even introduces Penelope Cruz, it simply isn’t funny. While there are a few laughable moments, the flick ditches the clever humor of its predecessor for numerous celebrity cameos that feel forced and out of place. While the comedy’s plot revolves around Derek Zoolander’s relevance in today’s modeling industry, this only raises a similar question of the film’s relevance itself, especially considering how long ago the first was released.

#4: “True Memoirs of an International Assassin” (2016)

For the most part, Netflix has produced some excellent content. From TV series to documentaries, you can usually count on quality programming when you see the Netflix Original stamp. That is not the case here. Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising, considering this comedy web film stars Kevin James as an author who gets mistaken for an international assassin. While audiences weren’t entirely opposed to this idea, the film was a critical disaster, and currently has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. If Netflix wants to become a major player in the film industry, they are going to need to do better than this.

#3: “Dirty Grandpa” (2016)

Remember Goodfellas? Taxi Driver? The Godfather Part II? Because we aren’t sure Robert De Niro does. We aren’t quite sure what is going through Bobby’s head when accepting roles, and this film is the perfect example of our confusion. Despite having a talented cast, the film isn’t funny and at times is downright offensive. The plot is cliché to put it nicely and the jokes fall flat. The most offensive thing, however, is the fact that this movie made $99.9 million on a $11.5 million budget, meaning we are likely to get a sequel.

#2: “Gods of Egypt” (2016)

A massive budget and several big name actors couldn’t save this sword and sandal epic from being a disaster. The casting was immediately criticized, with none of the stars looking or sounding like they had even been to Egypt - let alone were from there. This could have been forgiven if the film was at least exciting, but its dull and bloated plot makes it unbearable to watch. The dialogue is cringe worthy and while the film attempts to be serious, it is unintentionally hilarious on more than one occasion.

Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honourable, or in this case, dishonorable mentions:

“Warcraft” (2016)

“The Do-Over” (2016)

“Assassin's Creed” (2016)

#1: “Norm of the North” (2016)

Pixar has changed the game when it comes to animated films, and has set the bar perhaps too high at times for other animated movies that are clearly aimed at children. There seemingly was no bar for this mess, however. Rob Schneider stars as Norm, a polar bear who has to fight to protect his Arctic home from being destroyed by residential development. Although the overall message of the film isn’t half bad, it is poorly made and not funny in the slightest. Norm of the North somehow manages to take all the good things from animated films over the years and completely mangle them into a movie that even children will find completely stupid.

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