Top 10 Worst Movies of 2015

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Top 10 Worst Movies of 2015

Oh well. They can't all be winners. But then again… they didn’t have to be THIS bad. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Movies of 2015.

For this list, we’re looking at movies that had their theatrical releases in 2015 and that were panned upon release both by critics and audiences. We’ll also be looking at whether or not they underperformed at the box office, although that won’t be a major factor for their inclusion here.

#10: “Jupiter Ascending” (2015)

Remember back in 1999 when the Wachowskis blew everyone’s minds with “The Matrix,” and everyone eagerly awaited their next great film? We’re still waiting. This movie centers on a cleaning woman who becomes mixed up in destiny and space and something something… oooh, pretty, colorful shot! We don’t really know, because the screenplay was atrocious, and the movie seemed more like a showcase for special effects than the presentation of a coherent story. Even a talented cast couldn’t save this Wachowskis disaster.

#9: “Hitman: Agent 47” (2015)

Here’s what the beginning of an open letter to Hollywood should start with: “Please stop making movies based on video games”. Why on Earth did you think adapting “Hitman” would be a good idea when you already tried it and failed at it only eight years ago? Well, now we have an even worse film based on the video game because of it. Holding an abysmal 7% on Rotten Tomatoes, this new “Hitman” movie not only did fans of the games disservice by taming the violence, but it also created a worse version of Agent 47 AND pumped product placement into the movie. There were even some points that we forgot we were watching a movie and not an Audi commercial.

#8: “TAK3N” [aka “Taken 3”] (2015)

OK, we get it Hollywood: Liam Neeson is a badass. You can stop now. In this third installment of the “Taken” trilogy, the title doesn’t even make sense for the story, as it features Neeson running around trying to clear his name of a murder rap, rather than dealing with someone who’s “taken” or “kidnapped.” Not only was the story completely by the numbers, but it also seemed like they weren’t even trying with the action anymore – as “Taken 3” was actually PG-13 tame, and quite boring. Neeson appears to be phoning it in at this point, as are the writers, with the movie featuring some of the worst dialogue we’ve ever heard. Thank God this is supposed to be the last one.

#7: “Aloha” (2015)

You could tell that this movie was going to be terrible just from the title. To be fair, it had all the makings of a great movie: a killer cast full of A-list celebrities, and Cameron Crowe behind the camera. We don’t know what went wrong here, but... well, something did go wrong. The cast was completely wasted on a non-compelling script, and Emma Stone’s character’s last name is Ng. What the hell is that all about? Not only was the romantic-comedy drama a critical failure, it also bombed at the box office. Honestly, how do you have THIS cast and make a bomb!? Madness!

#6: “Fifty Shades of Grey” (2015)

Yes, here it is, you can all breathe a sigh of relief now. You could almost hear the public groaning when it was announced that this erotic romance novel, about a businessman who is into sadomasochism, would be made into a movie. As was expected, basically everything was awful about it, including the writing and the acting, but who cares - we all know what everyone went to see it for, right?!. But even that was bad! In the end, the movie was ripped apart for being an excuse for middle-aged women to watch BDSM, which probably isn’t that far off of an accurate critique actually.

#5: “Pixels” (2015)

Is it cheating to include an Adam Sandler movie on this list? This one admittedly showed some promise, as it was directed by Chris Columbus, starred Peter Dinklage, and was about classic video game characters attacking Earth. While “Futurama” may have already done that, it’s still an interesting concept. While many didn’t think Sandler could get worse than “The Cobbler,” he proved us all wrong with yet another unfunny, forced, and juvenile cinematic experience in “Pixels.” And yet for some reason, people still go to see his movies, as proven by the fact that the sci-fi action comedy grossed almost $245 million.

#4: “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” (2015)

Hey, look, another Adam Sandler film! While Sandler was only a producer on this sequel, the action comedy does star Kevin James, which is really just as bad. The story sees Paul attempting to save his kidnapped daughter from art thieves, but it’s really just an excuse for tired fat jokes and Segway gags. Because… those were so funny the first time. With an abysmal 13 score on Metacritic, this “Paul Blart” sequel was one of the most hated movies of the year, and was most likely just an excuse for Sandler and his buddies to go to Vegas.

#3: “Mortdecai” (2015)

All we can say is, thank God for “Black Mass,” because without it, Johnny Depp’s career could’ve very well have been over in 2015. It’s not that outrageous of a statement considering his starring role in this awful movie with Gwyneth Paltrow, which follows a bumbling art dealer trying to recover a stolen painting. While it sounds like an innocent “Pink Panther” ripoff, the movie was panned across the board for being far too weird and for its dumb, immature humor. Audiences didn’t take too kindly to it either, as it only grossed $7.7 million in North America, officially making it a box office bomb.

#2: “Fant4stic” [aka “Fantastic Four”] (2015)

Ok, we’re surely getting tired of superhero movies by now, no? After getting an unwanted reboot of this franchise, fans and critics alike were left flabbergasted by the movie, which turned out to be unlike anything they’ve ever seen. And that’s not in a good way. With a talented cast absolutely wasted on an atrocious script, the superhero flick is full of continuity errors, contains pacing that’s badly in need of editing, and ruined fan favorite villain, Doctor Doom, with poor characterization and design. The director practically disowned his own movie with a tweet, claiming studio interference was at fault. Seriously, this makes the previous big screen iteration look good...yikes.

Before we grimace in remembrance of our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- “Ricki and the Flash” (2015)
- “Jem and the Holograms” (2015)
- “Pan” (2015)
- “Hot Pursuit” (2015)
- “Entourage” (2015)
- “Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension” (2015)

#1: “United Passions” (2015)

Premiering at Cannes in 2014 before finally receiving its theatrical release a year later, “this drama about the origins of FIFA has a score of 1 on Metacritic and a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. If that wasn’t bad enough, it also holds the distinction of having the worst opening weekend of all time in US box office history, making $918. Criticism cited its boring and unexciting story, and allegations of corporate brown-nosing, as it was 90% funded by FIFA itself. One critic even called “United Passions” “cinematic excrement.” All of this may make you want to watch it out of curiosity, but trust us: Don’t.

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