Top 10 Times SNL Made Fun of Star Wars

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Top 10 Times SNL Made Fun of Star Wars

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the funniest times “Saturday Night Live” took on a galaxy far, far away.

#10: Nick The Lounge Singer Sings Star Wars Theme

One of Bill Murray’s famous SNL characters is Nick Winters, a lounge singer at the Powder Room. Dressed in a black and silver ensemble, he works the room, chatting with the ski resort residents, and sings a few renditions of hit songs. He closes out his set with what he calls a “real hit out of ‘77,” which happens to be John Williams’ “Star Wars” theme. Of course, Winters adds some of his own lyrics to the track. You’re sure to have “Star Wars, nothing but Star Wars” in your head for weeks.

#9: Shopping at Home Network: Mark Hamill for Sale

Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan play shopping network hosts selling collectibles for their “Star Wars” Bonanza. The one and only Mark Hamill appears in the sketch as the “ultimate ‘Star Wars’ collectible.” He’s brought out in handcuffs with a bag over his head, clearly having been kidnapped. The Luke Skylwalker actor is “on sale” for a mere $80,000. Quite the steal. Callers ask Hamill to recite memorable movie lines, except none of the lines are actually spoken by Luke in the films. Luckily, he’s purchased by his old friend Harrison Ford.

#8: Star Warriors

In this skit, J. J. Abrams introduces an exclusive clip from a fictional film, titled, “The Mos Eisley Five: A Star Wars Story.” Mikey Day, Kate McKinnon, and Charles Barkley all resemble classic characters like Han Solo, Rey, and Obi-Wan. The group is joined by a Wookiee, and a droid, as they attempt to save a Rebel pilot from a Jabba-like character named Goba. Barkley’s character asks the question we’ve all wondered — how does everyone in the galaxy understand each other when they all speak different languages? It’s a shame this hilarious sketch was cut for time, especially with its high production value.

#7: Beach Blanket Bimbo From Outer Space

In 1978, host Carrie Fisher took to the stage as her iconic Princess Leia character in full costume and space buns. Fisher goes from her monologue straight into a 1950s beach movie skit, featuring legendary cast members Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin, and John Belushi. Leia finds herself transported to a beach, drawing a lot of attention from the boys. For some reason, she breaks into a song about being the new kid on Earth. Good luck getting that Obi-Wan Kenobi chorus out of your head, though you might not want to. It’s a catchy one.

#6: Lando’s Summit

Donald Glover stars as a young Lando Calrissian in 2018’s “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” While hosting SNL that same year, Glover slipped back into the role of the charismatic character for Lando’s Intergalactic Summit for All Black Humans. The skit calls out the noticeable lack of diversity in the franchise by showing only four Black humans in attendance. Kenan Thompson channels Forest Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera from “Rogue One,” and honors the memory of other Black people in the galaxy before them. The list only includes Mace Windu, famously played by Samuel L. Jackson in the prequel trilogy.

#5: Weekend Update: Baby Yoda on Season 2 of “The Mandalorian”

Baby Yoda, aka Grogu, was an instant fan favorite when “The Mandalorian” premiered in 2019. Kyle Mooney plays him as a cocky young celeb, who rocks a gold earring, and name-drops famous members of his crew. In Baby Yoda’s second appearance on Weekend Update, he talks about partying with the likes of Jake Paul, and indulging in certain recreational activities. He even plugs his own line of “Star Wars” themed cannabis products. But the funniest part is probably Baby Yoda calling out another adorable and popular little green guy — Baby Groot.

#4: Star Wars Auditions

SNL’s audition skits give the cast members a chance to show off their best celebrity impressions. For this one, an array of celebs try to get a role in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Some of these impressions are scary good, like Taran Killam as David Beckham, and Jay Pharoah as Chris Tucker. A few actual celebs show up for the screen tests including Emma Stone, and Finn himself, John Boyega. But it’s Jon Hamm and his “Hamm Solo” character who steals the show. Now that’s a character we’d love to see on the big screen.

#3: Undercover Boss: Where Are They Now

In a follow-up to his first time going undercover, Kylo Ren dons a new persona as Randy, an entry-level intern. This time around, he hangs out with the younger crowd, picking up slang and pretty much becoming a walking meme. He quickly learns that interns don’t have it so great, always tasked with the undesirable work and dealing with jerk bosses. When one of his fellow interns is upset about not getting to be a TIE fighter, Kylo gives her the chance to be a part of the team. But she makes the fatal mistake of idolizing the wrong pilot — Luke Skywalker.

#2: Star Wars Toy Commercial

Some fans collect toys to display rather than play. SNL’s commercial for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” toys pokes fun at hardcore memorabilia collectors. The kids in the commercial actually play with the action figures, much to the dismay of the grownup fans trying to admire the collectibles at an encased distance. SNL accurately captures the classic style of kids toy ads. It shows the playfulness of childhood in stark contrast to the adult need for preservation. There’s a bigger message here about keeping the whimsy in fandoms, but it’s also just funny.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Natalie’s Rap 2
Padmé Amidala Dares You to Say Something Bad About the Prequels

Weekend Update: Baby Yoda on Star Wars Day Celebrations
A Jacked Baby Yoda Announces His Upcoming Fight with Baby Groot

HBO First Look: Star Wars
George Lucas Casts NSYNC in “Attack of the Clones” (They Actually Did Film a Cameo That Was Later Cut!)

Natalie Portman Answers Questions About Star Wars
The Actress Schools Hardcore Fans with Her Knowledge of Stars Wars

Overdressed for the Theatre
Star Wars Cosplay Doesn’t Go Over Well at the Movies

#1: Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base

In this hilarious sketch, Kylo Ren disguises himself as Matt, a radar technician, to see what it’s like for his employees on the Starkiller Base. Parodying the CBS reality show, “Undercover Boss,” Kylo works an entry-level position and realizes the job is harder than he thought. He also has a heart-to-heart with Lieutenant Colonel Zack, who is struggling after the death of his son...who Kylo happened to kill. Kylo has trouble containing his rage, and throws a bad-mouthing stormtrooper across the cafeteria. This solidifies anyone’s suspicions of his true identity as Supreme Leader of the First Order. Host Adam Driver brings his expert acting chops to channel his iconic character, making this our favorite “Star Wars” sketch on SNL.

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