Top 10 Times Jonathan Majors Was Awesome

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Top 10 Times Jonathan Majors Was Awesome

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times Jonathan Majors Was Awesome.

For this list, we’ll be looking at this charismatic performer’s best moments on and off the screen. Since we will be getting into the plots of a few movies, a spoiler warning is in effect.

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#10: Delivering An Emotional Farewell

“Hostiles” (2017)

In 2017, Jonathan Majors made his official Hollywood debut when he starred in a western themed film called “Hostiles”. He portrayed a loyal and fierce Corporal named Woodson that took pride in serving with the captain Christian Bale played. After an intense ambush, the two are forced to part ways. Even while lying injured in a bed, Majors conveys a ton of emotion and nuance. We can feel how painful and significant it is that the two brothers in arms must pursue different paths for the time being. Knowing Majors held his own with an Oscar-winning actor like Bale at the start of his career was a sign of great things to come.

#9: Telling His Batman Story

W Magazine

Before Jonathan Majors was playing heroes on the big and small screen, he was pretending to be one as a kid. During an interview with W magazine, he told us about the time he got a Batman costume. The best part of his story comes when he decided to prove that he was as resilient as the dark knight. Not only is the story hilarious, but it's incredibly relatable. Who didn't want to be a superhero as a kid? While we appreciated how candid Majors was here, there’s one question we wish he would’ve answered before ending that interview. Would he consider playing the Dark Knight on the big screen someday?

#8: Producing Plays from a Legendary Black Playwright at Yale University

August Wilson was an influential and celebrated African-American writer. In the 21st century, we’ve gotten strong movie adaptations of his work like “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” and “Fences”. But before the camera started rolling on those projects, Majors helped lead the charge to get Wilson’s works performed at Yale while he attended there. The actor managed to produce all ten plays in the writer’s famous American Century Cycle. While Majors said that the process was exhausting and time consuming, he still doesn’t regret a thing. His drive helped ensure a historic playwright's words continued to be heard.

#7: Showing Off His Kang the Conqueror Wallpaper

“Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (2003-)

After comic book fans saw the biggest threat in the MCU get eliminated in “Endgame”, they wondered who’d fill his gigantic shoes. Marvel seemed to give us an answer when they cast Jonathan Majors as the powerful supervillain Kang the Conqueror. Since he isn’t appearing in that exact role until 2023, he had to avoid giving away any secrets to Jimmy Kimmel. It’s ridiculously fun watching Majors dodge even the smallest questions about the villain. The interview’s highlight comes when Kimmel exposes the actor uses a Kang-themed lock screen. Rather than deny anything, Majors proudly shows off his phone. Seeing how careful and enthusiastic he is about the role made us even more excited to see Kang in the future.

#6: Disrupting An Argument

“The Last Black Man in San Francisco” (2019)

A disagreement between a few men on a San Francisco street was headed in a violent direction. But everything changes when Mont arrives. Instead of addressing the argument, he pretends that the angry men are just in the middle of an acting scene. This bizarre approach throws everyone off so much that the tension seems to instantly evaporate into thin air. What made this scene so memorable was how quirky yet complex Majors was here. While he seemed silly on the surface, you can still see how seriously he’s taking this situation. The heartwarming moment where he checks to make sure everything’s alright is the perfect way to cap off this scene.

#5: A Smooth Bank Robbery

“The Harder They Fall” (2021)

The outlaw Majors plays in “The Harder They Fall” usually likes to rob other criminals. However, he’s forced to steal from a bank to save his love interest Mary from a terrible fate. During the robbery, he and his partner are forced to resort to violence to take out a couple of their attackers. But he doesn't take a single life. At one point, he even shook hands with the bank manager. It was absolutely fantastic seeing Majors play an outlaw with such a strong moral code. While he ultimately doesn’t get to spend the money, watching him grab it was ridiculously entertaining.

#4: Showing Us a Few of His Favorite Things


When Majors sat down with GQ, he was asked to describe ten essential items in his life. This prompt gave us around ten minutes of pure magic with the actor. Every single item opens up the door to another funny and fascinating story. No matter whether he’s describing a great book or a pair of jeans he never puts in the washing machine, we’re completely hanging on every word. Majors is just so charismatic and warm that it feels like we’re there having a casual conversation with him. While listening to someone talk about inanimate objects doesn’t sound fun, this video is just too charming to skip.

#3: Dealing with a Landmine

“Da 5 Bloods” (2020)

For most of his life, David had a pretty bad relationship with his father Paul. Their relationship gets even more strained when they try to recover buried gold in Vietnam. The duo is forced to forget about their rough history completely when David steps on a landmine. As the reality of the situation sinks in, Majors gives us a masterclass in acting. We can feel his fear in every single one of his expressions and shaky words. After Paul organized a plan to get his son off the landmine, we instantly held our breath. Seeing David fly to safety was incredibly satisfying and emotional. Thanks to incredibly believable performances from Majors and Delroy Lindo’s Paul, this scene still sticks with us today.

#2: Letting Others Decide the Fate of the Multiverse

“Loki” (2021-)

After two Loki variants go on a wild journey, they find out that He Who Remains was behind the show’s most twisted events. It's impossible to take our eyes off Majors while he's portraying this mysterious figure. He's charismatic, quirky and carries a deep sadness within him. We loved hearing He who remains explain how he prevents new timelines from popping up. But things got really interesting when he asks the duo to choose if other realities can exist in the Marvel Universe. Watching him surrender his incredible power to a pair of former villains was incredibly fascinating. And since multiple timelines did emerge in the end, Majors may have played a character behind the biggest change to the MCU to date.

#1: Saving His Father in the Past

“Lovecraft Country” (2020)

Montrose Freeman used to tell a story about the time he was saved as a child by a mysterious stranger. But when he travels back to the past with his son Atticus to witness this moment, the nameless savior fails to show up. Suddenly, the two come to a stunning realization. We’re then treated to a triumphant scene where Atticus picks up a bat to save a younger version of his father. While Majors consistently did great work throughout the entirety of his time on “Lovecraft Country,” this scene was arguably the best showcase of his talents. Majors was vulnerable, powerful and inspiring all at once. It’s tremendous scenes like this that remind us of how awesome he is at his craft.

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