Top 10 Rarest Video Game Weapons

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Top 10 Rarest Video Game Weapons

Sometimes hard work really does pay off, but not always. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our top 10 rarest video game weapons.

For this list, we’re looking at the video game weapons that are extremely difficult to come by. There’s a lot of things that make items rare: drop rates, progression requirements, and the all too familiar loot boxes play a frustrating role, but regardless of what precisely is making them scarce, our list is focusing exclusively on weapons. There are tons of super rare items and armor, but they’re not what we’re looking for.

#10: Inferno Staff Sharpened

“Elder Scrolls Online” (2014)

Head up to Wrothgar in ESO and you’ll find yourself in the Maelstrom Arena, a single player endurance test that gets progressively more challenging. Waiting for you at the end of each run is some randomly generated loot, and if you’re particularly lucky, this super rare weapon. And we do mean rare, as many players have made hundreds of runs through the dungeon without ever seeing a single drop. On the bright side, that just means you have plenty of attempts to keep you busy, so get cracking.

#9: Titan

“EVE: Online” (2003)

We figured that if you can just take the time to round up materials in order to craft exactly what you want, nothing can really be rare, but EVE’s 15-kilometer-long, doomsday super-weapon-carrying warships proved us wrong. There are four Titan class ships in the game, one for every major faction: the Amarr Avatar, the Caldari Leviathan, the Gallente Erebus, and the Minmatar Ragnarok. On top of all the resources you need to actually start building one of these beasts, it also requires 8 real-world weeks to actually construct. You know what that means? If you don’t have a big enough group dedicated to the cause, you’re not getting one.

#8: Excalibur II

“Final Fantasy IX” (2000)

Not actually dropped by any enemy in the game, this truly unorthodox weapon has two very unique unlock requirements. First, players have to beat the game in under twelve hours of clocked playtime, and second, they have to know ahead of time to search a random pillar in one of the game’s final rooms to actually collect the blade. That doesn’t sound too bad, but keep in mind that this is a typically lengthy JRPG that takes your average gamers about 40 hours to complete. Twelve hours is a serious stretch.

#7: The Supremacy

“Destiny” (2014)

Going above and beyond its legendary classification by being exclusively dropped in a timed event that lasted for just about two weeks, The Supremacy was the ultimate reward for those dedicated players that put their life on hold to run the “The Queen’s Wrath” over, and over, and over again. Sure, it’s a little unfair that if you were busy, working, or just plain didn’t have access to your computer you missed out entirely, but the relative few that got lucky have a pretty special badge of honor.

#6: Cranium Basher

“Diablo II” (2000)

There’s just something therapeutic about going through some magic find runs in Blizzard’s loot-driven classic to find unique items, and it’s even more exciting when you get rewarded with things like this ultra-rare maul. Is it good? Debatable, but it’s been around for almost twenty years and hardcore players still get excited when one drops. With its laughably high item level of 91, there aren't many enemies that can actually drop it, and the odds aren’t good even with those few that can. Good luck!

#5: ‘Dragonlore’ AWP

“Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” (2012)

The AWP is a much-beloved weapon in the CS world, but if you want this valuable, obnoxious looking skin for it you’re going to have to be either extremely good or extremely rich. Found only in loot boxes or cases that drop exclusively in Valve sponsored tournament play, this skin is so highly sought after that some particularly dedicated fans are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars if it’s in new condition. It may look cool displayed in your collection, but we imagine it would be hard to pass up the sale if you happen to be sitting on one.

#4: Phantom Bow

“Battlefield 4” (2013)

The good news when it comes to Battlefield 4s arguably coolest weapon is that once you unlock it, it's yours. Congrats! The bad news is that we’re not sure the original progression chain to get there is really worth it. First, you have to complete the three Phantom assignments. Then you need to load up into specific DLC maps and pour over every nook and cranny until you find the Final Stand dog tags. Then all you have to do is find three friends who each completed the steps above, make it down the elevator in Hangar 21, and crack the code to deactivate the barrier separating you from your new weapon. Easy right?

#3: Diamond Weisenheimer

“Borderlands 2” (2012)

The fact that the series absolutely showers you with loot at every opportunity can make it a little difficult to keep track of what is and isn’t worth your time, so here’s your friendly PSA. If you want the rarest of the rare guns, this is what you’re looking for. The estimated pathetically low 0.05% chance to drop would be bad enough if it came from regular encounters, but the fact that you basically have to watch Butt Stallion barf out your hard earned Eridium for days until you get lucky just adds to the agony each and every time you fail.

#2: Xorothian Firestick

“World of Warcraft” (2004-)

While the class-specific quest lines that dominated the early days of the game were a cool concept on paper, seeing how Blizzard sadistically used the feature has us glad they’re gone. Our runner-up entry is a unique drop for Hunters that was hidden away exclusively behind a boss that only Warlocks had access to. If that’s not bad enough, the quest chain for the item was completely removed for new players. If you’re playing today your only hope is to find a player who originally completed the quest to retain access to it, and runs don’t come cheap even if they fail.

#1: Prophets of Motav

“Phantasy Star: Online” (2001)

You wanted to see something special, and here it is. PSO’s rarest weapon was more common in the GameCube and Xbox iterations, but the classic Dreamcast version dropped in exactly one location, the Ruins on Ultimate difficulty, by exactly one monster, the Gran Sorcerer. The kicker? Its drop rate was an absolutely ridiculous 1/1.3 million. No, that’s not a mistake. We can’t imagine ever wanting to play the game again after all that effort, but maybe the weapon is worth it… not that we ever found it.

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