Top 10 Paranormal Moments Caught on Security Footage

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Top 10 Paranormal Moments Caught on Security Footage

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Paranormal Moments Caught on Security Footage.

For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most unusual and mysterious incidents caught on security cameras that have led many to believe something unearthly is going on.

Have you ever had a bizarre experience like this? Let us know in the comments!

#10: Want To Play Catch?

This spooky location in Nebraska has been billed as the most haunted museum in the world, and for good reason. Their YouTube channel regularly posts videos they’ve caught on security cameras of bizarre phenomena happening in their building. In 2018, The Museum of Shadows released a video of a ball moving on its own in a dark room. If it were just rolling around a little, we might be inclined to dismiss this one, but the ball actually gets thrown! While strange, it’s also kind of adorable to think about a ghost entertaining itself by playing with a ball. If you’re looking for a more personal experience with the paranormal and you happen to live in the Omaha area, the museum offers all kinds of activities from self-guided tours to ghost hunts!

#9: The Cat-juring

One evening in 2020, Essex roommates Juliette Bird and Deanna Crawte were notified that something had triggered their security camera. They looked to find their neighbor’s cat, Topsy, taking a stroll next to some parked cars. However, right behind the feline was the ghostly outline of another cat following Topsy. The kicker, here, is that the pet owner actually had another cat named Liquorice who’d unfortunately passed away not long before this footage was taken. Topsy’s sister, Tilly, had also vanished just six weeks before the incident. So, this is definitely one of Topsy’s siblings, right?

#8: Paranormal Reality

The “Paranormal Activity” franchise is the pinnacle of hidden camera fictional horror. But, what if the franchise was played out in real life? Well, in 2022, Joey and Amy Radke from Minnesota felt like they were experiencing that very situation. With CCTV set up to watch their pets while they’re out, the couple ended up spotting some kind of nightgown-wearing figure walking around in their hallway. Even the cats seem spooked as they scatter and hide underneath the coffee table. It’s believed the being is the spirit of an older woman who passed at the property years ago in her nightgown. The landlord and previous tenants have also all experienced some kind of metaphysical presence in the building.

#7: Come Here Often?

Not all ghosts are out to get us living folk. Sometimes, they just want to enjoy their hobbies again in the afterlife. In 2021, at the Blue House pub in Hendon, England, the moment where a glass falls over of its own accord was captured on camera. The pint seems to tip over rather slowly, as though it's being pushed carefully, before its contents spill onto the floor. The previous night, a spiritualist had actually visited the pub. They stated they could sense something, and that the spirit, thought to be female, was upset with the employees for taking over her work. The landlady, Darla Anderson, claimed there had been incidents of pints flying off the bar for years, but CCTV wasn’t installed then.

#6: Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun

Is there anything more frightening than ghost children? Well, the Barnsley Antiques Center in England might be the location of the creepiest encounter with young spirits yet. Coming into work one morning in 2017, antique dealer Daniel Parker found a 1960s Bambi rocking horse toy on the floor. He thought it was weird and decided to check the cameras. The footage showed the toy rocking backward and forward with no one sitting on it. Suddenly, it was sharply thrown onto the floor, as though someone had gotten off of it too quickly. Parker reported that there had been several strange incidents since he began working there, such as a cabinet exploding for no reason. Many locals have also heard spirits talking and claimed poltergeist kids dwell in the building.

#5: The Frightened Feline

Cats and the world beyond our understanding have gone hand-in-hand all throughout history. If they’re not used as familiars for witches, they’re seen interacting with those across the veil. In 2022, Kathy Gallinger recorded her kitty, fittingly named Salem, at her home in Ontario, Canada. In the early hours, their beloved cat was in the basement with two dolls and, for some reason, Salem couldn’t look away. Then, a black mist of sorts began flowing from the dolls and approached Salem, causing him to run away, apparently seeking refuge in Gallinger’s daughter’s bedroom. This also isn’t the only time Gallinger has witnessed unusual things in the house. Since they moved in, objects have moved on their own and shadowy figures have been seen.

#4: The Spooked Security Guard

In 2018, Jay Brown was working the nightshift as a security guard at a nursing home in Chicago, where kept experiencing a strange presence. When Brown told colleagues, family, and friends about seeing some form of a ghost, they didn’t believe him. Well, he eventually caught the being on CCTV - twice. In the videos, you can make out a white, faint shadow float past the front desk, definitely spooking Brown. At one point, he even tosses a book at the entity, which is a little bit rude but also a little bit warranted. Brown has also reported hearing footsteps and catching a ceiling light fall on its own.

#3: You Should Probably Excuse the Late Homework

Deerpark CBS school in Cork, Ireland, has been a hotbed of ominous happenings for years. At the beginning of October 2017, the month for all things eerie, the school released this downright chilling video online. In the early hours of the morning, while no one was in the building, doors can be seen slamming. That’s followed by lockers shaking aggressively, papers falling out of some of them, and then a wet floor warning sign is flung, seemingly with no one around. Previously, the school had experienced strange incidents like cold spots and disembodied crying sounds. But nothing like this was ever caught on camera.

#2: The Pale Creature

In 2022, the Pale Creature began spreading across social media with a video released by Paranormality Magazine. It was recorded from the security footage of a home in Kentucky. The unsettling video has a hunched white figure with long limbs creeping slowly towards a parked car. It’s left people are wondering just what it could be. The top suggestions include an alien, some kind of mythical monster, or a spirit. There’s also a theory that the Pale Man from the 2006 film “Pan's Labyrinth” came to life. But, of course, there are also some viewers who question the authenticity of the video, since its quality is so grainy. Plus, it could always just be someone in a white morph suit. Let us know what you think in the comments!

#1: It’s a Ghost-Eat-Ghost World

It’s always pretty disturbing when pets are victims to paranormal shenanigans. In 2021, a video uploaded to TikTok quickly spread due to its uncanny content. Security footage from a living room has two dogs barking away in their cages. Suddenly and simultaneously, both dogs stop their panicking. That alone is concerning. Then, they’re very still for a few moments, as though on guard. The black dog’s collar then gets tugged, lifting it upwards and the pup, naturally, freaks out a little. The loosened collar then falls to the floor, confusing the canine. Is it safe to say this ghost is a cat person?

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