Top 10 Movie Prisons

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Script written by Elliot Baker.

Top 10 Movie Prisons

Grab your shivs and cigarettes, because you do not want to be sent down to these places without ‘em. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 movie prisons.

For this list, we’ve scoured through the ranks to find the most unforgiving, unrivalled and unique prisons in feature films. That’s feature films and not TV, so sorry Piper Chapman.

#10: The Kyln
“Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014)

Kicking off our list is everyone’s favorite inescapable stronghold. Made up of a series of spheres, the Kyln is used for housing the most deadly and destructive criminals in the galaxy, including former WWE superstar Bautista! This massive structure is kept together by flying robots, guards with security bands embedded in their arms and a gigantic watchtower overlooking the entire place. Inmates are a given a life expectancy of less than three years, but don’t worry, you can still listen to ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ while you’re there.

#9: The Private Prison
“Oldboy” (2003; 2013)

Here’s one for you: imagine you’re taken away from your home, your family and your life only to be locked in a tightly kept hotel room with no way of knowing if you’ll ever be let out, not to mention being drugged and tortured for fifteen years. “Oldboy”’s private prison is less about a criminal sentence and more about destroying the prisoner’s mind. Whether you’re talking the Korean cult hit or the American remake, you can’t deny the complete lack of hospitality in this place.

#8: The Pit
“The Dark Knight Rises” (2012)

Not every prison comes with its own obvious escape route, but that’s what makes this entry so interesting. Serving as a death sentence for its inmates, the only means of escape is to conquer the perilous climb up the pit itself to freedom. Over its lifetime, it has shifted ownership from a warlord’s personal playpen to the League of Shadows’ literal hell hole. Regardless of who’s in charge, the Pit is best known for its deadly riots and plagues as well as housing some of Gotham’s greatest threats. Yet despite all that, it gets great TV reception.

#7: Manhattan Island
“Escape from New York” (1981)

In the harsh, dystopian future of – um – 1997, New York’s finest attraction has been transformed into the most grueling maximum-security prison in the world. Following its construction in 1988 after a natural disaster, inmates are given a life sentence to be served inside the lawless, lamenting and loathsome captivity. If a lifetime on a devastating island isn’t for you, you can always opt in for assisted suicide beforehand. The choice is yours. Not an easy choice.

#6: Erewhon Prison
“Face/Off” (1997)

We’re given a delightful new spin on the prison system in this film’s version of present day 1997. Fittingly an anagram of the word ‘Nowhere’, this particular slammer is based on an offshore drilling platform in the middle of, well, nowhere. Not only that, but inmates are forced to wear heavy magnetic boots at all times so that guards can lock them down for an interrogation, or if a mass prison riot breaks out! Little known fact: the boots themselves were originally worn by the Goombahs in the “Super Mario Bros.” movie. There’s a classic.

#5: Rura Penthe
“Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country” (1991)

Buried deep under an icy landscape, these unlucky prisoners are forced to carry out a mining operation in search of the precious series staple – dilithium crystals. Unlike every other entry on this list, there is no security inside or around the mine, aside from a magnetic field to prevent prisoners from being beamed away. Surely you could just walk out, right? Well, since nothing can survive on the planet’s surface, you’re better off keeping your head down and doing your time.

#4: Shawshank State Penitentiary
“The Shawshank Redemption” (1994)

Disrespect and disdain for its delinquents is the plague of this classic prison. With a warden who’s probably got more corrupt intentions than any of his prisoners ever did, Shawshank’s inmates are left at the mercy of its violent guards, most notably Captain Hadley played by Clancy Brown. Hope and humanity are all that keep Andy and Red alive in their frightful life, struggling against corrupt prison officials. As for us, we’ll take Clancy Brown as a greedy Krab over a prison guard any day.

#3: Azkaban
“Harry Potter” franchise (2001-11)

Often spoken of but rarely shown, this mysterious prison houses some of the most vicious, magical murderers in the wizarding world. In use since the 18th century, Azkaban is guarded by the Grim Reaper-like dementors who, already of questionable loyalty, hunt down any and all escapees. Anyone who does escape is submitted to the “Dementor’s Kiss” whereby the soul is sucked straight from the person’s body. A little on the flexible side, Azkaban has suffered two mass breakouts in 1996 and 1997. Wow, 1997 was, like, not a good year for incarnation.

#2: The Tomb
“Escape Plan” (2013)

Designed to be the world’s most perfect prison, this is where escape artist Ray Breslin meets his match. Transparency is the key as cells are made up of glass and steel, lit by powerful halogen lights and no windows to the outside. We believe it fits the title of ‘The Tomb’ quite nicely. Its location is unknown, its danger is felt but is it really inescapable? Well, you’ll just have to watch the movie to find out.

Before we release our top pick, here are a few prisons that didn’t quite make the rap sheet.
- Cold Mountain Penitentiary
“The Green Mile” (1999)
- Fiorina ‘Fury’ 161
“Alien 3” (1992)
- The Fortress
“Fortress” (1992)
- CryoPrison
“Demolition Man” (1993)

#1: Crematoria Slam Facility
“The Chronicles of Riddick” (2004)

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Hell. No stranger to WatchMojo Top 10s, this prison finds itself almost twenty miles below the surface of the most jagged, harsh and destructive planet imaginable. Riddled with extreme gang violence and Hell hounds used for sport against the prisoners, the guards of Crematoria seem more interested in torturing than actually rehabilitating. Even if you manage to escape, you’re only welcomed by the devastating heat of the all-consuming planet.

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