Top 10 Mobile Suits From The Gundam Franchise

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Script written by Ryan Hechler.

Top 10 Mobile Suits from the Gundam Franchises

These guys took mechs to an all-new level! Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 mobile suits from the Gundam franchise.
For this list, we’re looking at the most memorable and powerful Gundam mobile suits featured in the various Gundam series. With this in mind, non-Gundam mobile suits from the franchise will not be considered for this list.

#10: Turn X (CONCEPT-X 6-1-2)
“Turn A Gundam” (1999-2000)

This mobile suit is the brother unit to the Turn A Gundam and is unique for having its cockpit in the suit’s head. Piloted by Gym Ghingham, this suit is a dangerous foe that can easily detach body parts in combat to reveal one weapon after another. Seriously, this suit has a ton of weapons – 8 mega particle canons, a bazooka, beam rifle, hand beam gun, and missile launchers to name a few. Whether intentional or not, this Gundam looks like a giant ninja which makes it even cooler.

#9: Star Build Strike Gundam (GAT-X105B/ST)
“Gundam Build Fighters” (2013-14)

A complete redesign of the Build Strike Gundam Full Package, this Gunpla was built by Sei Iori but is piloted, or rather, controlled by Reiji. Designed to be a flashy awe-inspiring tournament favorite, this unit is a huge crowd pleaser in the Gunpla Battle Tournament. The Gundam’s Star Beam Rifle is connected directly to the unit’s shields, allowing for huge damage output.

#8: Devil Gundam (JDG-00X)
“Mobile Fighter G Gundam” (1994-95)

The Devil Gundam is by far one of the most powerful suits in the Gundam Franchise and it was renamed for American audiences, where it was initially called Dark Gundam so as not to offend viewers. This tank of a mech is known for its abilities of self-evolution, self-recovery, and self-multiplication, all of which are a result of its construction being a blend of organic science and computer technology. This is truly the Ultimate Gundam, which is actually what it was originally named by its creator Dr. Raizo Kasshu.

#7: GNT-0000 00 Qan[T]
“Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer” (2010)

Piloted by Setsuna F. Seiei, this Gundam is known for its speed thanks to its unique Twin Drive System. Its arguably one of the most well balanced Gundams, as it has an excellent assortment of beam swords, guns, and shield protection. Primarily intended for close combat, this suit can definitely speed away if it needs to. This Gundam is exceptional for being fueled by a Quantum System that allows the pilot’s Quantum Brainwaves to control the suit.

#6: ∀ Gundam (SYSTEM ∀-99)
“Turn A Gundam” (1999-2000)

This fierce Gundam is piloted by Rolan Celack and is uniquely powered by a man-made black hole, which leaves a hollowed out core in the suit’s chest where a wide variety of things have been stored, including nuclear weaponry. While the Turn A is armed with the typical assortment of rifles and beam sabers, it uniquely possesses a drill and a hammer. Some fans think this mobile suit looks like a beetle, others believe it appears to have a mustache, regardless, this fighting machine is tremendously lethal.

#5: God Gundam (GF13-017NJII)
“Mobile Fighter G Gundam” (1994-95)

God Gundam, or Burning Gundam as it was renamed in the North America, again to seem sacrilegious, equally excels at both long distance and close combat fighting. This suit possesses quite the arsenal, from the staple beam swords to its deadly forearm spurs, dubbed the God Slashers! This Gundam has some truly epic attacks, such as its Erupting Burning Finger that launches stored energy out of its hand. Domon Kasshu pilots this wrecking ball from a mobile tray unit which lets the suit mimic his movements.

#4: Unicorn Gundam (RX-0)
“Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn” (2010-14)

This is probably the most obviously named Gundam, as this mobile suit looks like an upright unicorn due its singular horn antenna. Banagher Links pilots this suit, which he operates in two modes, a normal mode that allows it to access its basic weaponry, and its Destroy Mode which unleashes the suit’s aptly named psyco-frame that allows access to its full range of guns and beam swords. Visually different from your typical Gundam, the Unicorn is a rare beast.

#3: Gundam Deathscythe (XXXG-01D)
“Mobile Suit Gundam Wing” (1995-96)

While Deathscythe looks like a stoic Grim Reaper, its pilot Duo Maxwell is a loud mouth that happily refers to himself as the “God of Death.” This Gundam is known for its epic beam scythe, which easily disembowels enemies. Beyond sheer brute force, Deathscythe is particularly notorious for its Hyper Jammer, which prevents radars from picking up on its movements. While its scythe more often than not gets the job done, it has a ton of guns installed on its head and collar. Deathscythe is the pinnacle of psychological warfare.

#2: Strike Freedom Gundam (ZGMF-X20A)
“Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny” (2004-05)

Piloted by Kira Yamato, this epic flying Gundam is essentially an upgraded version of the Freedom Gundam. This death machine is known for its long-range capabilities and, as can be expected, is armed to the teeth with beam cannons and rifles. Its sheer agility compensates for its relative lack of armor. But hey, if you’re fast enough and can simply blast the enemy away with a high-energy beam rifle, then maybe a little less armor isn’t so bad.

Before we get to our number one Gundam, let’s review some honorable mentions:

Gundam (RX-78-2)
“Mobile Suit Gundam” (1979-80)

Gundam Kyrios (GN-003)
“Mobile Suit Gundam 00” (2007-09)

Gundam G-Self (YG-111)
“Gundam Reconquista in G” (2014-15)

Destiny Gundam (ZGMF-X42S)
“Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny” (2004-05)

#1: Wing Gundam Zero (XXXG-00W0)
“Mobile Suit Gundam Wing” (1995-96)

This mobile suit is well known for its ability to transform between a seeming starship to a straight up flying Gundam doomsday machine. Wing earns its name from its mechanical wings, which it uses to fly around at lightning speeds. Piloted by the reclusive Heero Yuy, this Gundam is particularly notorious for its deadly twin buster rifle and beam saber abilities. This mobile suit’s armaments are simple, but they are beyond effective. Wing Gundam Zero is by far the most iconic Gundam ever created and is a consistent fan favorite.

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