Top 10 Julia Roberts Movies

Top 10, Countdown, Retrospective, Career, Bios, Profile, Hollywood, Pretty Woman, Eat Pray Love, Academy Award, Oscars, Roberts Julia, Actors, Actress, Retrospective, Hollywood, Oscars, Academy Awards, A-List,

Top 10: Julia Roberts Movies

She has become one of the biggest stars in Hollywood by starring in a string of successful romantic comedies, dramas and thrillers. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down the top 10 Julia Roberts movies.

Number 10: Mystic Pizza (1988)

A sleeper hit, this film marked Julia’s first major role. Portraying a youth in love, Mystic Pizza continues to be a fan favorite and foreshadowed that she would become a major Hollywood star.

Number 9: Flatliners (1990)

Working with an all-star cast, this beyond death thriller by Joel Schumacher has become a cult-classic and introduced Roberts to the thriller genre all while earning her a nomination for best supporting actress.

Number 8: Sleeping With the Enemy (1991)

Based on a novel of the same, her portrayal of a woman who suffers domestic violence and fakes her own death to escape her husband won Roberts a Saturn Award for Best Actress.

Number 7: The Pelican Brief (1993)

This John Grisham novel adaptation centered on the topic of government assassinations paired the actress with A-lister Denzel Washington.

Number 6: Conspiracy Theory (1997)

Starring opposite Mel Gibson, this high-profile suspense thriller repeated her earlier success with ‘The pelican Brief’, by pairing Roberts with Mel Gibson as two people caught up in yet another deadly government conspiracy.

Number 5: My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)

Pulling in close to 300 million dollar worldwide on its 46 million dollar budget, this tale of a marriage pact between two best friends remains one of the all-time classic romantic comedies of all time.

Number 4: Notting Hill (1999)

Starring opposite Hugh Grant, this romantic comedy has become one of the highest grossing British films of all time, and won Roberts several high profile awards.

Number 3: Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

Co-starring opposite George Clooney and an all-star cast, Robert’s portrayal of Tess Ocean has come to be regarded as one of her most entertaining film roles, not to mention the film’s complete domination at the box-office.

Number 2: Erin Brockovich (2000)

Finally bringing her an Academy Award, this drama told the real-life story of a single mother caught up in a lawsuit with a major corporation.

Number 1: Pretty Woman (1990)

Dwarfing all of her other box office draws, this surprise hit raked in close to half a billion dollars on its 14 million dollar budget and solidified her place as a Hollywood heavyweight overnight.

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