Top 10: Is Star Wars the Ultimate Movie Franchise?

Star Wars, Films, TV Pilot, Ultimate Countdown, Top 10, George Lucas, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: The Force Awakens,

Script written by Matt Wende

Top 10 Reasons Star Wars is the Ultimate Movie Franchise

Lord of the Rings. Star Wars. James Bond. Harry Potter. Movie fans love to argue over which of these is the greatest movie franchise ever. The pop culture know-it-alls at WatchMojo think each one has some claim to the title. But for today our money is on the Jedi, as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Reasons Why Star Wars is the Ultimate Movie Franchise.

With thousands of original Top 10 videos in our online library, WatchMojo are the masters of pop culture countdowns. On The Ultimate Countdown we take a look at the big debates in pop culture and put them to rest once and for all.

Welcome to WatchMojo’s Ultimate Countdown! I’m your host, Rebecca Brayton. In 1977, no one in the movie industry thought anybody would want to go see a special effects-filled adventure movie set in space and starring a bunch of mostly-unknown actors. Aliens and robots? That’s kids’ stuff! Even the director flew to Hawaii right after the premiere so that he could be far enough away to not hear the sound of it flopping. But that little movie turned out to be Star Wars, and it spawned a legacy.
It’s not the only entertainment phenomenon to change popular culture forever, but these are the top 10 reasons why, more than any other, it deserves the title of Ultimate Movie Franchise.

#10: It Created the Blockbuster Template

Before 1977, your average nerfherder couldn’t tell the difference between a blockbuster and a star destroyer, but they would come to know both quite well that summer. Though the “Star Wars” phenomenon surprised everyone in the late-‘70s, movie studios today regularly aim to recreate its lightning-in-a-bottle success by promoting big budget movies ad nauseam for months before their summertime or holiday release dates, releasing tons of tie-in merchandising and producing a franchise if the first movie’s a hit. Studios are constantly chasing the next “Star Wars,” but George Lucas’ magnum opus will always be the first.

#9: It’s a Cultural Unifier

Ancient Greeks had epics; the Age of Enlightenment had its operas; ye olde English had Shakespeare. But today, the story we can almost all talk about appreciatively is “Star Wars.” If you haven’t seen at least one or two of the films, you’re in the minority – although you can probably still name some characters. Thanks to its steady pop-culture presence, we’re constantly reminded of its rich lore: it’s been parodied, homaged and straight up ripped off thanks to its universal themes and archetypes that transcend race, religion, gender and nationality. That’s why die-hard fans and casual viewers alike can connect and share their love for this great saga.

#8: It’s Made Its Way into Our Language

Sure, you may not know if Han shot first, but we bet you could identify a lightsaber, Yoda and maybe even a Stormtrooper even if you’ve never seen a second of “Star Wars.” Terms, sayings and items invented by George Lucas are now known outside the realms of movie fandom and geek culture, and have taken on meaning in everyday language. Calling someone a Jedi, for example, implies their deep knowledge or mastery of their field or interest. Your Padawan is your protégé. When someone reverses their syntax, Yodaspeak it is. Heck, you may even know that these aren’t the droids you’re looking for. And that’s without mentioning the copious quotable references . If you don’t believe us, well, I’m not the only one who finds your lack of faith disturbing.

#7: Its Production Design Is Incredible

Any filmmaker worth his salt will tell you that a movie’s setting is just as important as its characters – and, if used correctly, that setting can practically be a character itself. “Star Wars”’ production designers are now legends because they knew that, and created now-iconic environments and buildings using popsicle sticks. Settings as varied as Endor’s rainforests, the isolation of Tatooine, or a volcanic mining operation on Mustafar are highly detailed and instantly recognizable as distinct worlds. That same loving attention went into the design of the vehicles, the alien races, the weapons and even hairstyles! Come on, Top 10 Iconic Hairdos much?

#6: It Has Awesome Toys

Ever wonder how Boba Fett got so popular, considering his name is said a grand total of once in the Original Trilogy and he has, like, no lines. Well, unless you’re a closet fan of the Holiday Special, his status as a legendary badass is likely due to… This. “Star Wars” is the grandfather of movie merchandising: it was the first franchise to produce extensive action figures lines for even their most minor characters, allowing fans to construct their own “Star Wars” stories and get further invested in that galaxy far, far away. And invest they did, enough so that when Lucas and co. ran out of money during production, one successful Christmas season was enough to fund the completion of “Empire Strikes Back.” Just think: Lucas kept all those juicy licensing and merchandising rights for himself.

#5: Its Characters are Lovable and Memorable

An epic is nothing without its heroes, and they are nothing without their villains. To deliver on his vision for a grand space adventure, Lucas tapped his mythological source: citing the works of Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist who studied the commonalities in myths across cultures, Lucas employed archetypes like the hero, the mentor and the shapeshifter to create his timeless characters. The bold choice to cast relatively unknown actors in these roles let us experience these characters without preconceived notions. Whether it’s the heroes we root for, or the villains we despise, they keep bringing us back. Say what you will about the Ewoks and a certain spastic Gungan, but kids love ‘em.

Now, from the lowest point in the series to some of the most amazing. Before we get to our #4 pick, here’s a quickie countdown of our picks for the Top 10 Moments in the Star Wars movie franchise.
It’s hard to argue with that gamechanger as our #1 pick. Stick around for the top four Reasons Why Star Wars Is The Ultimate Movie Franchise, as WatchMojo’s Ultimate Countdown continues.

Now, from the lowest point in the series to some of the most amazing. Before we get to our #4 pick, here’s a quickie countdown of our picks for the Top 10 Moments in the Star Wars movie franchise.

It’s hard to argue with that gamechanger as our #1 pick. Stick around for the top four Reasons Why Star Wars Is The Ultimate Movie Franchise, as WatchMojo’s Ultimate Countdown continues.

In what country did 390,000 people list their religion as “Jedi” on their 2001 census form?

In what country did 390,000 people list their religion as “Jedi” on their 2001 census form?
The United Kingdom.

What other movie franchise could have inspired its own religion (even if it was just a joke)? So, we’ve counted down our first 6 of the Top 10 Reasons that Star Wars is The Ultimate Movie Franchise, let’s get back into it.

#4: It Revolutionized Special Effects

George Lucas had a vision for the effects he wanted to see in “Star Wars,” and with no other company able to bring them to life, he founded his own and called it Industrial Light and Magic. While special effects have been a staple of cinema since the beginning, with “Star Wars” George Lucas not only innovated effects themselves, but also pioneered the trend of creating films driven by them. Lucas knew that this impressive display was instrumental in making “Star Wars” the success it was, as nothing could top the Death Star trench run or the Battle of Endor in pure spectacle. And, say what you will about the prequels, but they were also groundbreakers in cinematic magic, creating entirely new characters out of nothing but ones-and-zeroes. Since then, Hollywood has clung to the mantra that bigger is always better, and ILM has been the trailblazer for many technological breakthroughs.

#3: It’s Hooked Multiple Generations

The epic saga tells the story of generations of heroes, and that story in turn has captured the hearts and minds of several generations of viewers like few other films before it. Beginning in 1977 with the iteration that would later be re-titled “A New Hope” and ending with “Return of the Jedi” in 1983, the original trilogy defined an era of filmmaking. Sixteen years later, the prequel trilogy revealed the events that led up to the classic films. Parents who took their children to see the originals in all their widescreen glory were able to watch the prequels as grandparents, sharing the experience not only with their own children but with their children’s children as well. And starting in 2015, and entirely new generation will get its own trilogy to watch growing up. While many were skeptical of George Lucas selling “Star Wars” to Disney, his passing of the torch will ensure that children of all ages will be able to fall in love with it. What other movie series can grandparents, children and grandchildren all watch and connect with in their own personal way?

#2: Its Music Is Iconic

The musical score can make or break a movie. And as much as we repeat names like Skywalker, Solo, Fett and Vader when discussing “Star Wars,” one name that gets almost as much attention is Williams. The score crafted by John Williams for the “Star Wars” saga is as close to perfect as a musical score can get, and it frequently tops lists of the Top 10 Iconic Instrumental Film Scores – including WatchMojo’s own! It’s at times sweepingly beautiful, haunting, and emotional, and sometimes it’s all three at the same time. While many iconic images, phrases and characters can instantly remind us of “Star Wars,” none is more powerful or more closely related with their source material than the franchise’s music. The titanic “Imperial March” is synonymous with the white marching boots of the empire and the shadow of Darth Vader, while the opposing side is equally powerful, with the binary sunset of Tatooine filling listeners with the courage of a young adventurer. As iconic as the imagery and words of “Star Wars” have become, for many it’s still the booming orchestra that brings them back into the movie theatre where they saw it all come to life for the first time. Also, if you ever get bored with your everyday chores, we’d recommend this Oscar-winning score as your soundtrack.

In WatchMojo’s library of over 2000 Top 10 lists, there’s probably no title that comes up more often than Star Wars. Be it a character, a prop, or a sound effect, some piece of a Star Wars film has made its way onto over 100 of our lists. Good stuff is so densely packed into these movies, that often even a single scene or sequence will get a nod on several lists.
Take the Death Star, for example. This one set piece found itself on at least 4 of our lists. Top 10 Space Stations from Movies and TV. Top 10 Coolest Movie Spaceships. Top 10 Best Movie Sets. Top 10 Awesome Movie Explosions.
In this one scene from Return of the Jedi, you’ll find elements that ranked high on six of our lists!
Top 10 Bounty Hunters in Movies, Top 10 Movie Crime Bosses, Top 10 Handcuff Scenes in Movies, Top 10 Movie Bikinis, Top 10 Movie Princesses, Top 10 Sci-Fi Babes

Apparently, we especially love Princess Leia. We’ll be right back with the #1 reason that Star Wars is the ultimate movie franchise on WatchMojo’s Ultimate Countdown.

Which of these Star Wars villains wields a lightsaber with a curved hilt? The answer when we return.

Which of these Star Wars villains wields a lightsaber with a curved hilt? Count Dooku.

We’ve covered the characters, the special effects, and several ways in which it has wormed its way into our lives and hearts. But what is the #1 reason that Star Wars is the Ultimate Movie Franchise?

#1: It’s Spawned Successful Titles in Every Medium

The wonder of “Star Wars” is that it manages to transport its audience to another world – or, as is the case, several other worlds. Watching the movies, it’s easy to forget that what you’re watching is just a movie. And to many, it isn’t. The “Star Wars” universe goes far beyond the magic of the silver screen: it’s immortalized in written works, with hundreds of novels and comic books exploring new characters and continuing the journeys of the ones we love. We explore its galaxies via video games and role-playing systems. Its legend is further expanded by television series, such as “Star Wars: Rebels” and “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” which thrive on their own animation styles and fill in the gaps between films.

No other franchise has jumped around between the silver screen, small screen, literature, video games and beyond as triumphantly as Star Wars. The franchise dominates every medium it touches, expanding its universe in all directions. Across republics old and new, the battle between the light and dark side wages in our imaginations and our hearts as “Star Wars” gives fans everywhere a place to call home. More then just a movie; it’s a never-ending platform onto which thousands of artists can stack their boundless creativity. And for that reason, more than any other, “Star Wars” is the Ultimate Movie Franchise.

That’s it for today’s Ultimate Countdown. For more Top 10s published every day, be sure to check out There’s really only one way to end this: may the force be with you, Mojoholics.

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