Top 10 Bad Movies with One Good Character

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the roles that were the one silver lining in an otherwise disappointing film. Which movie do you think was saved by the inclusion of one character? Let us know in the comments below.

#10: “Rock of Ages” (2012)

Stacee Jaxx
Some stories were just meant for the stage. While the rock n’ roll jukebox musical “Rock of Ages” may have worked well on Broadway, it ended up falling flat when it was adapted for the silver screen. Audiences had a hard time looking past the flimsy story and cheesy styling. However, there was one role that they couldn’t help but love — Stacee Jaxx, the ultimate parody of a glam metal star. Tom Cruise’s natural charisma was all he needed to steal the show. He really sunk his teeth into the part. It was clear that he was having fun with the campy material, which made his scenes stand out among the rest.

#9: “Along Came Polly” (2004)

Sandy Lyle
In a sea of romantic comedies, “Along Came Polly” struggles to stand out. While it had potential, the lack of chemistry between the leads meant that audience interest fizzled quickly. But this may have also caused the secondary roles to stand out even more, specifically Sandy Lyle. Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a friend of Ben Stiller’s Reuben with a flair for the dramatic. He ends up stealing the thunder from the protagonists by charming the audience with his comedic performance. Whether he was showing off on the basketball court or on stage, people were clearly more drawn to him than the central relationship of the film.

#8: “Dark Shadows” (2012)

Angelique Bouchard
Considering that it was released at the height of the vampire craze, the fact that “Dark Shadows” flopped was a huge disappointment. It seemed to have all the right pieces: it was based on a well-loved soap opera and featured a star-studded cast. However, the lackluster writing caused it to leave a poor impression on both fans and critics. Despite the issues with the script, Eva Green’s portrayal of the ethereal yet imposing Angelique still managed to shine. The vengeful witch has it out for Johnny Depp’s Barnabas, cursing him with vampirism in the 18th century and still up to her old tricks in the 1970s. Green’s take on the character can’t save the film, but she at least provides a few fun scenes.

#7: “Venom” (2018)

Eddie Brock/Venom
Hopes weren’t too high for this movie, especially after the portrayal of Venom in the infamous “Spider-Man 3.” The 2018 film also came under pretty harsh criticism, with everything from the inconsistent tone to the pacing being eviscerated. Tom Hardy was the glue holding everything together, particularly his interpretation of the relationship between Eddie and Venom. His depiction of a man and his symbiote possessor made it clear that he wasn’t taking it too seriously, which added to the viewer’s overall experience. He also helped add a layer of genuine charm to the final product, which made the whole movie an easier pill to swallow.

#6: “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” (1991)

Sheriff of Nottingham
We’ll take the animated fox version over this. “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” could’ve been great, but the poor writing sucked a lot of potential out of the film early on. Many of the recognizable characters were portrayed as more muted versions, with the one exception being the Sheriff of Nottingham. Alan Rickman’s take on the spiteful Sheriff was the clear standout. He stole every scene he was in almost with his presence alone. The theatrical yet ominous performance made the villain detestable, yet fun to watch. While the movie may have disappointed viewers, Rickman ended up being the one silver lining that kept people entertained. He even won a BAFTA for his efforts.

#5: “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016)

Wonder Woman
There’s something about the reveal of a hero that will always be exciting, even if it takes place during a mundane film. Wonder Woman being introduced was a breath of fresh air during “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” a movie which overall struggled to meet the potential of its premise. Diana Prince stood out amongst the jumbled plot for all the right reasons. Seeing her fight gave audiences a taste of what could be to come. Gal Gadot cleared every expectation set for her and helped build excitement for Wonder Woman’s solo film, which was released the following year.

#4: “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997)

Roland Tembo
When you hit a home run on your first try, recreating that success can be tricky — even if you’re Steven Spielberg. While not a total dud, audiences and critics found that “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” lacked the heart and charm that the original had in spades. Most of the characters lacked personality or depth, with one exception being Roland Tembo — a man with his heart set on bagging a T-Rex. While his motivation was a bit one-note, his sheer dedication was intriguing to watch. Pete Postlethwaite injected plenty of personality into the role and even provided some of the film’s most memorable lines.

#3: “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009)

Victor Creed
The clawed mutant is one of the most iconic X-Men. So his origin story should have been a hit, right? Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for Wolverine. Between the stereotypical plot, laughably bad visual effects, and the mistreatment of Deadpool, the film ended up being a huge disappointment amongst those who loved the franchise. Its one saving grace was the villain, Victor Creed — also known as Sabretooth. Liev Schreiber’s portrayal of Wolverine’s half-brother adds depth and tension to the story. When we see the opening credits montage of the two fighting in various wars, it almost makes us think we’re watching a good movie. Although it wasn’t enough to save the project, Schreiber was at least able to captivate the audience.

#2: “Planet of the Apes” (2001)

General Thade
Considering how iconic the original is, the 2001 remake never stood a chance at living up to the standards it set. While the prosthetic makeup stood out, the plot itself didn’t hold a candle to the first rendition — particularly the infamous ending. Although the results were disappointing, the inclusion of General Thade was still a noticeable bright spot. His ruthless demeanor and devotion to his cruel cause made him an intimidating antagonist. Tim Roth was so dedicated to the part that he even helped rework some of his scenes. His contributions were likely invaluable to the picture, although the villain can’t quite make up for the whole film.

#1: “Suicide Squad” (2016)

Harley Quinn
It’s always sad when something with so much promise falls flat. When the trailer was released, fans were excited by the vibes of “Suicide Squad.” However, studio interference and a jumbled script resulted in a disappointing product that lacked heart. While most characters fell short, Harley Quinn ended up being the stand-out on the titular team. While she lacked the depth that she has in the comics, Margot Robbie’s portrayal still managed to add an element of whimsy that the flick desperately needed. Thank goodness Robbie would also get to play the character in better movies later on.

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